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Headword matches for 三定:
ALSO IN: 三定聚  

Entry body matches for 三定

[...] called 三三昧地, 三三摩地, 三定 [...]:
View Full Entry 三三昧
[...] of nothingness, 三定. 非想非非想處地 naivasaṃjñānā [...]:
View Full Entry 九地
[...] of nothingness, 三定, which is one of the nine [...]:
View Full Entry 無所有處地
[...] of sentient beings 三定聚. (Pāli aniyata-rāsi [...]:
View Full Entry 不定聚
[...]. See 根機, 機性, 三定聚. 大般涅槃經集解 T 1763.37.515c24 [...]:
View Full Entry 機根
[...] classes of beings 三定聚 or 三聚 (Skt. mithyā-niyato [...]:
View Full Entry 邪定聚