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Headword matches for 三密:
ALSO IN: 三密六大   三密加持   三密栗底尼迦耶   三密瑜伽   三密用大   三密相应   三密相應   三密行   四教三密  

Entry body matches for 三密

[...] of three mysteries 三密 of the Buddha and sentient [...]:
View Full Entry 三密加持
[...] Word 眞言 term. See 三密. [...]:
View Full Entry 三密用大
[...] See under 三密. 九字釋; 菩提心論 [...]:
View Full Entry 三密行
[...]. Also 三三昧. Cf. 三密. See 大日經 1. 瑜伽論 T 1579.30 [...]:
View Full Entry 三平等
[...] three mysteries 三密. Cf [...]:
View Full Entry 三摩地門
[...] the entry into the 三密 [...]:
View Full Entry 三方便
[...] sentient beings 三密. See [...]:
View Full Entry 三業不二門
[...] three mysteries 三密. [...]:
View Full Entry 三無盡莊嚴藏
[...] mysteries See 三密. 新譯華嚴經七處九會頌釋章 [...]:
View Full Entry 三祕密
[...] three mysteries 三密: (1) self-importance, 我慢 [...]:
View Full Entry 三重障
[...] three mysteries 三密: (1) self-importance, 我慢 [...]:
View Full Entry 三障
[...] three mysteries 三密 of the Buddha and the three [...]:
View Full Entry 入我我入
[...] three mysteries 三密. Secret or magical words [...]:
View Full Entry 口密
[...] teaching; the 三密 are the Shingon esoteric [...]:
View Full Entry 四教三密
[...] three mysteries 三密, i.e. body, speech, and [...]:
View Full Entry 外護摩
[...] three mysteries 三密. References: Mahāyāna Sutra [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘本生心地觀經
[...] three mysteries 三密 of body, speech, and mind [...]:
View Full Entry 如來不思議祕密大乘經
[...] three mysteries 三密 in esoteric Buddhism. The [...]:
View Full Entry 意密
[...] three mysteries 三密, whereas 無相 indicates the [...]:
View Full Entry 有相無相
[...] three mysteries 三密. 金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論 T 1665 [...]:
View Full Entry 眞言行人
[...] three mysteries 三密. 一切經音義 [...]:
View Full Entry 祕密瑜伽
[...] three mysteries 三密 (Skt. vāg-guhyatā, *vāg [...]:
View Full Entry 語密
[...] three mysteries 三密 (Skt [...]:
View Full Entry 身密
[...] three mysteries 三密 or three bodies 三身; and [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛杵
[...] the practice of 三密加持. [...]:
View Full Entry 三密瑜伽
[...] as 三彌底, 彌底, 彌離底, 三密栗底尼迦耶, 三蜜栗底尼迦耶, 三眉底, 量弟子 [...]:
View Full Entry 正量部
[...] three mysteries 三密瑜伽. [...]:
View Full Entry 瑜伽師
[...] secret activities 三密行. (Skt. sarva-kāya-vāk [...]:
View Full Entry 一切如來身口意業
[...] secret activities 三密行 of the Buddha, the practitioner [...]:
View Full Entry 卽身成佛義
[...] secret activities 三密行, the contemplation of [...]:
View Full Entry 字輪觀
[...] Three Mysteries 三密行. Thereafter, he traveled [...]:
View Full Entry 我寶