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Headword match for 三量:

Entry body matches for 三量

[...], also written 三量. They are: (1) using oneʼs [...]:
View Full Entry 三比量
[...] modes of cognition 三量 and in all three modes [...]:
View Full Entry 伺
[...] forms of cognition 三量 (pramāṇa): direct perception [...]:
View Full Entry 四量
[...] modes of cognition 三量 and in all three modes [...]:
View Full Entry 尋
[...] ba). See also 三量 成唯識論 T 1585.31.10b12; 瑜伽論 [...]:
View Full Entry 所量
[...] operation 三量; one of the eight aspects of [...]:
View Full Entry 比量
[...] modes of cognition 三量, as well as throughout [...]:
View Full Entry 無慚
[...]-pramāṇa 比. See 三量. 觀心覺夢鈔 [...]:
View Full Entry 現比
[...] bases of cognition 三量 where one cognizes things [...]:
View Full Entry 現量
[...] in Buddhist logic 三量 (Skt. āgama-pramāṇa; [...]:
View Full Entry 聖教量
[...] aspects of knowing 三量, along with the known [...]:
View Full Entry 能量
[...] valid cognition (三量,四量). Also rendered as [...]:
View Full Entry 至教量
[...] 能立, as well as 三量 and 五量. Standard, norm, [...]:
View Full Entry 量
[...] aspects of knowing 三量, with the other two [...]:
View Full Entry 量果
[...] of perception 三量. Something that seems to [...]:
View Full Entry 非量