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Headword match for 不動地:

Entry body matches for 不動地

[...] bodhisattva ground 不動地. Undisturbed 不動無爲, one [...]:
View Full Entry 不動
[...] Equivalent to 不動地.瑜伽論 T [...]:
View Full Entry 不動勝道
[...] immovable stage 不動地. A pivotal stage in the [...]:
View Full Entry 八地
[...] immovable stage 不動地, the stage of excellent [...]:
View Full Entry 十一地
[...] every thought. 不動地 - The immovable stage, or [...]:
View Full Entry 十地
[...] of immovability 不動地. 華嚴經 [...]:
View Full Entry 無功用地
[...] grounds. See 不動地 (Skt. aṣṭamaka-bhūmi, aṣṭamī [...]:
View Full Entry 第八地
[...] 遠行地 (or eighth 不動地) bhūmi, the first six (or [...]:
View Full Entry 阿惟越致
[...] the eighth ground 不動地 and is exempt from the [...]:
View Full Entry 阿耨達
[...], immovable stage 不動地 in the ten stages towards [...]:
View Full Entry 阿遮羅