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Headword matches for 不定:
ALSO IN: 不共不定   不共不定过   不共不定過   不定业   不定义   不定受业   不定受業   不定因   不定地   不定地法   不定声闻   不定姓   不定心   不定性   不定性人   不定教   不定業   不定止觀   不定止观   不定法   不定种   不定种姓   不定种性   不定種   不定種姓   不定種性   不定義   不定聚   不定聚众生   不定聚衆生   不定聲聞   不定觀   不定观   不定过   不定過   二不定   二不定法   倶不定   八不定   六不定过   六不定過   共不定   共不定因   共不定过   共不定過   四不定   四不定法   定不定   屛处不定   屛處不定   心不定   所作不定   无不定   无不定心   無不定   無不定心   相违決定不定过   相違決定不定過   量不定   露处不定   露處不定   頓漸祕密不定   顿渐祕密不定  

Entry body matches for 不定 (不定業)

[...] of inconclusiveness Also simply 不定 (Skt. anaikāntika doṣa). In [...] of fallacies of inconclusiveness 六不定過. 成唯識論述記 T [...]:
View Full Entry 不定過
[...] positive and negative examples 共不定 (過) (Skt. [...] positive or negative examples 不共不定 (過) (asādhāraṇa-anaikāntika) [...] all negative examples 同品一分轉異品遍轉 (不定過) (sapakṣaikadeśavṛtti [...] all positive examples 異品一分轉同品遍轉 (不定過) (vipakṣaikadeśavṛtti [...] in some negative examples 倶品一分轉 (不定過) [...] contradictory propositions 相違決定(不定)(過) [...]:
View Full Entry 六不定過
[...] groups of 波羅夷, 僧殘, 不定, 捨墮, 波逸提, 波羅提提舍尼, 衆學 [...]:
View Full Entry 具足戒
[...], and indeterminate 不定 [...]:
View Full Entry 化儀
[...]. Inconclusive 不定, to broad, as 異品一分轉同品遍轉. [...]:
View Full Entry 同品有異品有非有
[...] pot. Inconclusive 不定, too broad as 倶品一分轉. [...]:
View Full Entry 同品有非有異品有非有
[...] of receiving 不定. Another category is gradual [...]:
View Full Entry 天台三教
[...], unstable. [不定] Graceful, elegant. A womanʼs [...]:
View Full Entry 婀
[...] either uncertain 不定 or contradictory 相違. This [...]:
View Full Entry 疑因
[...] the four indeterminate dharmas 四不定. In the group of form there [...] 忿恨惱覆誑諂憍害嫉無慚懈怠慳無愧不信放逸惛沈掉擧失念不正知散亂 不定(4): 睡眠惡作尋伺 色法 (11): [...]:
View Full Entry 百法
[...], and indeterminate 不定; or: Āgama 藏, shared [...]:
View Full Entry 綱目
[...] karma 不定業. Wholesome activity 善業 (白業) and unwholesome [...]:
View Full Entry 二業
[...] distinguished from 不定業 (Skt. niyata-vedanīya [...]:
View Full Entry 定業
[...] distinguished from 不定業. Syn. 定業. It is a concept [...]:
View Full Entry 決定業
[...] lists eight of these, called the 不定地法. The Yogâcāra school 瑜伽行派 [...] 瑜伽行派 lists four, called the 不定法. In Buddhist logic 因明, [...] (Skt. anaikāntika). See 不定過. The indeterminate class of [...] class of sentient beings 不定衆. One of the two categories [...] clear; see pratimokṣa 波羅提木叉 and 二不定法. Not real, not existent. To [...]:
View Full Entry 不定
[...] examples Or 不共不定過 (Skt. asādhāraṇa-anaikāntika). In Buddhist logic 因明, the second of the six indefinite statements of a syllogism 不定因. Being too narrow; i. e [...]:
View Full Entry 不共不定
[...] is not determined; also written 不定姓. One of the five different [...] to problems with the reason. See 不定因. [...]:
View Full Entry 不定性
[...] reason 不定因. See 正因. 大乘法相硏神章 [...]:
View Full Entry 定因
[...] in the reason 不定因, wherein two valid syllogisms [...]:
View Full Entry 相違決定
[...] more precisely termed as 不定地法. In Yogâcāra 瑜伽行派 there [...] the four indeterminate states 四不定法 (Skt. aniyatā dharmāḥ). 瑜伽論 [...] offenses and their punishments 二不定法. [...]:
View Full Entry 不定法
[...] (10), and indeterminate functions 不定地法 (8) In the Yogâcāra 唯識 [...] and four indeterminate functions 四不定 (indeterminate in terms of [...]:
View Full Entry 心所
[...] in Yogâcāra 四不定法 and one of the eight indeterminate factors in Abhidharma 不定地法. (Skt. vipratisāra, pratideśayati [...]:
View Full Entry 悔
[...] factors 不定地法 (T 1559.29.254b28), while in [...]:
View Full Entry 慢
[...] nature 不定地法 in the Abhidharma-kośa-bhāṣya [...]:
View Full Entry 睡眠
[...] elements 不定地法. To be tainted by and in bondage [...]:
View Full Entry 貪
[...] the indeterminate mental states 不定心所 of mental impulse [...] the indeterminate mental states 不定心所, including the four kinds [...]:
View Full Entry 六位心所
[...] undermined nature 不定性 to the One Buddha vehicle [...]:
View Full Entry 一乘
[...] nature See 不定性. 瑜伽論記 T [...]:
View Full Entry 不定姓
[...] type See 不定性. [...]:
View Full Entry 不定種
[...] nature See 不定性. 瑜伽論記 T [...]:
View Full Entry 不定種姓
[...] nature See 不定性 (Skt. aniyataikatara-gotra [...]:
View Full Entry 不定種性
[...] class 不定性 (不定性聚) taught in Yogâcāra, or practitioners [...]:
View Full Entry 不定聚
[...] nature 不定性, whose members inherently possess [...]:
View Full Entry 五性各別
[...]. See 五姓; also see 不定性 [...]:
View Full Entry 決定性
[...] proclivities 不定性 who holds in his store consciousness [...]:
View Full Entry 漸悟菩薩
[...] nature 不定性 who start by attaining the arousal [...]:
View Full Entry 頓漸
[...] the indeterminate 不定教, which teaches the eternal [...]:
View Full Entry 三教
[...] assembly. Indeterminate Teaching 不定教, wherein each hearer would [...] l'enseignement indéterminé (不定教): Là encore, lors des [...]:
View Full Entry 化儀四教
[...] (3)indeterminate 不定教 teaching, i.e., either [...]:
View Full Entry 南三北七
[...] method 不定教, by which the teaching is adapted [...]:
View Full Entry 南中三教
[...] 祕密教, and variable 不定教. The four kinds of content [...]:
View Full Entry 天台四教儀
[...], and indeterminate 不定教相 indeterminate. 法華玄義 [...]:
View Full Entry 三種教相
[...] the complex; (b) 不定止觀 irregular, simple, and [...]:
View Full Entry 三種止觀
[...] meditation See 不定止觀. 摩訶止觀 [...]:
View Full Entry 不定觀
[...] mental factors 不定法 in Yogâcāra 瑜伽行派. One of [...]:
View Full Entry 伺
[...]). Also see 不定法.大乘百法明門論 T 1614.31.855b In one [...]:
View Full Entry 四不定法
[...] offenses 不定法, 30 naiḥsargika-prayaścittika [...]:
View Full Entry 四分律比丘戒本
[...] category 不定法 taught in the Yogâcāra system [...]:
View Full Entry 尋
[...] mental factors 不定法, the awareness that one [...]:
View Full Entry 惡作
[...] dharmas 不定法, while in the doctrine of the [...]:
View Full Entry 疑
[...] See 三聚 (正定聚, 邪定聚,不定聚). Three kinds of people [...]:
View Full Entry 三機
[...] is undecided 不定聚. While precise definitions [...]:
View Full Entry 三聚
[...] class See 不定聚 (Skt. aniyata-rāśi). 無量壽經宗要 [...]:
View Full Entry 不定聚衆生
[...] 於正定聚、邪定聚、不定聚一切衆生,都無所棄,一心攝取,而不見有邪正等相。 滅憎愛三昧 [...]:
View Full Entry 百八三昧