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Headword match for 不定地法:

Entry body matches for 不定地法

[...] these, called the 不定地法. The Yogâcāra school [...]:
View Full Entry 不定
[...] termed as 不定地法. In Yogâcāra 瑜伽行派 there are four [...]:
View Full Entry 不定法
[...] functions 不定地法 (8) In the Yogâcāra 唯識 system [...]:
View Full Entry 心所
[...] in Abhidharma 不定地法. (Skt. vipratisāra, pratideśayati [...]:
View Full Entry 悔
[...] factors 不定地法 (T 1559.29.254b28), while in Yogâcāra [...]:
View Full Entry 慢
[...] nature 不定地法 in the Abhidharma-kośa-bhāṣya as [...]:
View Full Entry 睡眠
[...] elements 不定地法. To be tainted by and in bondage [...]:
View Full Entry 貪