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Headword matches for 不定性:
ALSO IN: 不定性人  

Entry body matches for 不定性

[...] undermined nature 不定性 to the One Buddha vehicle [...]:
View Full Entry 一乘
[...] nature See 不定性. 瑜伽論記 T [...]:
View Full Entry 不定姓
[...] type See 不定性. [...]:
View Full Entry 不定種
[...] nature See 不定性. 瑜伽論記 T [...]:
View Full Entry 不定種姓
[...] nature See 不定性 (Skt. aniyataikatara-gotra, [...]:
View Full Entry 不定種性
[...] class 不定性 (不定性聚) taught in Yogâcāra, or practitioners [...]:
View Full Entry 不定聚
[...] nature 不定性, whose members inherently possess [...]:
View Full Entry 五性各別
[...]. See 五姓; also see 不定性 and [...]:
View Full Entry 決定性
[...] proclivities 不定性 who holds in his store consciousness [...]:
View Full Entry 漸悟菩薩
[...] nature 不定性 who start by attaining the arousal [...]:
View Full Entry 頓漸