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Headword match for 不定教:

Entry body matches for 不定教

[...] the indeterminate 不定教, which teaches the eternal [...]:
View Full Entry 三教
[...] assembly. Indeterminate Teaching 不定教, wherein each hearer would [...] l'enseignement indéterminé (不定教): Là encore, lors des quatre [...]:
View Full Entry 化儀四教
[...] (3)indeterminate 不定教 teaching, i.e., either [...]:
View Full Entry 南三北七
[...] method 不定教, by which the teaching is adapted [...]:
View Full Entry 南中三教
[...] 祕密教, and variable 不定教. The four kinds of content [...]:
View Full Entry 天台四教儀
[...], and indeterminate 不定教相 indeterminate. 法華玄義 [...]:
View Full Entry 三種教相