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Headword matches for 五明:
ALSO IN: 五明处   五明處   五明論   五明论   龍樹五明論   龙树五明论  

Entry body matches for 五明 (五明處)

[...] ancient India. See 五明 (Skt. pañca-vidyā-sthâna [...]:
View Full Entry 五明處
[...] of knowledge See 五明. 法華傳記 [...]:
View Full Entry 五明論
[...] Indian sciences 五明 (聲明, 工巧明, 醫方明, 因明) are [...]:
View Full Entry 內外兼明
[...] and 數, one of the 五明 five works on knowledge [...]:
View Full Entry 功巧論
[...] of Indian science 五明. Thus, much of Buddhist [...]:
View Full Entry 因明
[...] Indian science 五明. Also written 巧業明 (Skt. [...]:
View Full Entry 工巧明
[...], five in number 五明 (Skt. vidyā-sthâna, vidyā [...]:
View Full Entry 明處
[...] of knowledge 五明 or 五明論 (pañca-vidyā). 瑜伽論 T 1579 [...]:
View Full Entry 明論
[...] Indian sciences 五明. 沙石集 [...]:
View Full Entry 正明
[...] five sciences 五明, as well as astronomy, calligraphy [...]:
View Full Entry 求那跋陀羅
[...] Indian science 五明 (Skt. śabda-vidyā; Tib. [...]:
View Full Entry 聲明
[...], Buddhist Logic 五明 and so forth. Afterward [...]:
View Full Entry 般若
[...] disciplines 五明. An instructional [...]:
View Full Entry 記論
[...] the five sciences 五明. See 記論. Considered by [...]:
View Full Entry 記論外道
[...] Indian science 五明 (Skt. dhātu-tantra, cikitsā [...]:
View Full Entry 醫方明
[...] lnga) Also called 五明處. 四分律 T 1428.22.743a15 [...]:
View Full Entry 五明
[...] luminous kings 五明王. Regarded as the third [...]:
View Full Entry 不動明王
[...] Wu ming lun 五明論, which was translated under [...]:
View Full Entry 闍那崛多