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Headword match for 五神通:

Entry body matches for 五神通

[...]; see 五神通. [...]:
View Full Entry 五旬
[...] abilities See 五神通. 瑜伽論 [...]:
View Full Entry 五神變
[...] cognition See 五神通 (Skt. pañcâbhijñā; Tib. mngon [...]:
View Full Entry 五種神通
[...] shes pa lnga) See 五神通 (Skt. abhijñā, pañcâbhijña [...]:
View Full Entry 五通
[...] supranormal powers 五神通 [...]:
View Full Entry 五通仙人
[...] India. See also 五神通. 大般涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 五通神
[...] which are known as 五神通. They are: Unimpeded [...]:
View Full Entry 六神通
[...] abilities 五神通 and the six supranormal abilities [...]:
View Full Entry 十通
[...] five sagely powers 五神通 or the six supranormal [...]:
View Full Entry 神通
[...] supranormal powers 五神通 (Skt. pañcâbhijñā). [...]:
View Full Entry 般遮旬