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Headword match for 似現量:

Entry body matches for 似現量

[...] that is a pratyakṣābhāsa 似現量. The Nyāyapraveśa (因明入正理論 T [...] perception (pratyakṣābhāsam, 似現量) is a conceptual cognition [...] pratyakṣābhāsam 有分別智。於義異轉。名似現量。謂諸有智了甁, 衣, 等, 分別而生。由彼於義 不以自相 [...] 衣, 等, 分別而生。由彼於義 不以自相 爲境界故。名似現量。 A nonconceptual perception [...]:
View Full Entry 似現量
[...] is inferential; 似現量 (Skt. pratyakṣābhāsa) a [...]:
View Full Entry 八門
[...] direct perception 似現量 and fallacious inference [...]:
View Full Entry 因明
[...]- perception (似現量 pratyakṣābhāsa). The second [...]:
View Full Entry 因明正理門論本
[...] 眞現量 and pseudo 似現量 perception. When the term [...]:
View Full Entry 現量
[...] pseudo-perception 似現量. [...]:
View Full Entry 眞現量