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Headword matches for 倶生:
ALSO IN: 倶生乘   倶生人我執   倶生人我执   倶生任运   倶生任运四种烦恼   倶生任運   倶生任運四種煩惱   倶生喜   倶生因   倶生威力   倶生惑   倶生意乐   倶生意樂   倶生愛   倶生我執   倶生我执   倶生我見   倶生我见   倶生智   倶生法   倶生法執   倶生法我執   倶生法我执   倶生法执   倶生滅   倶生灭   倶生烦恼   倶生煩惱   倶生爱   倶生相应   倶生相應   倶生神   倶生緣   倶生缘   倶生萨迦耶见   倶生薩迦耶見   倶生見惑   倶生见惑   倶生起   倶生起烦恼   倶生起煩惱   倶生障   倶生麤重   八事倶生   六种倶生惑   六種倶生惑   有倶生   种类倶生无行作意生身   種類倶生無行作意生身  

Entry body matches for 倶生 (倶生任運四種煩惱)

[...] or innately arisen 倶生. 二障義 HBJ 1.801c22 In [...]:
View Full Entry 作
[...] afflictions (倶生, 思惑), whereas in the prior [...]:
View Full Entry 修道
[...] to inherent afflictions (倶生起, 任運起, 倶生 ). The four [...] afflictions ( 倶生 起, 任運起, 倶生). The four afflictions 四煩惱 [...] 分別障 and those that are innate 倶生障, with the former residing [...]:
View Full Entry 分別起
[...] Also expressed as 倶生任運四種煩惱. 瑜伽論 T 1579.30.651c16 [...]:
View Full Entry 任運煩惱
[...]. Same as 任運煩惱 and 倶生任運四種煩惱. [...]:
View Full Entry 四種煩惱
[...] 別起位 innate phase 倶生位 weak phase 耎位 middling [...]:
View Full Entry 煩惱七位
[...] of the arising 倶生因 of a primary dharma in [...]:
View Full Entry 倶有因
[...] with their effects 倶生因. Nakamura identifies [...]:
View Full Entry 前生因
[...] causation 倶生因, according to which the sense [...]:
View Full Entry 意根
[...] innate aspiration 倶生意樂 [...]:
View Full Entry 十五意樂
[...] innate craving 倶生愛. [...]:
View Full Entry 分別愛
[...] attachment to self 倶生我執 that originates in [...]:
View Full Entry 分別我執
[...] seen rendered as 倶生我見. As contrasted with [...]:
View Full Entry 倶生薩迦耶見
[...] view of a self 倶生我見, which can be arisen by [...]:
View Full Entry 四種我見
[...] things 二我執, i.e. 倶生法執 the common or natural [...]:
View Full Entry 二法執
[...] present lifetime 倶生起. Usually refers to innate afflictions 倶生煩惱, innate hindrances 倶生障, etc. (Skt. sahaja, saha [...]:
View Full Entry 倶生
[...] innate afflictions 倶生煩惱 that are present in [...]:
View Full Entry 倶生起
[...] afflictions. See 倶生煩惱 [...]:
View Full Entry 倶生起煩惱
[...]. See also 倶生起 above. Also written 倶生煩惱. See 二障. 大方廣佛華嚴經隨疏演義鈔 T 1736 [...]:
View Full Entry 倶生障
[...] innate afflictions 倶生煩惱 which are carried [...]:
View Full Entry 分別煩惱
[...] innate afflictions 倶生煩惱—the afflictions that [...]:
View Full Entry 修惑
[...] view of identity 倶生薩迦耶見. (Tib. rnam par brtags [...]:
View Full Entry 分別薩迦耶見
[...] disturbances 倶生見惑; those of the inquiring [...]:
View Full Entry 三種見惑
[...] inherent aspect 倶生起 of the two hindrancesnot [...]:
View Full Entry 三斷
[...] naturally Same as 倶生起 [...]:
View Full Entry 任運所起
[...] 分別起. See 倶生起. 成唯識論 T 1585 [...]:
View Full Entry 任運起
[...] 任運煩惱. Also see 倶生障 and 倶生起. Afflictions, karma, etc [...]:
View Full Entry 倶生煩惱
[...] prior lifetimes 倶生起. In the stages of preparation [...]:
View Full Entry 唯識修道五位
[...] that are inborn 倶生起. 成唯識論 T 1585.31.1a12 [...]:
View Full Entry 所知障
[...] of prior lifetimes 倶生起. 二障義 HBJ 1.795b;成唯識論 [...]:
View Full Entry 發業
[...] into the innate 倶生起. See 潤生惑 and 發業潤生. 成唯識論述記 [...]:
View Full Entry 發業惑
[...] innate afflictions 倶生起 of desire, hatred and [...]:
View Full Entry 見惑
[...] innate afflictions 倶生起 of desire, hatred and [...]:
View Full Entry 見斷煩惱
[...]; (b) 倶生起煩惱 that which is innate. (a) 大煩惱地法 [...]:
View Full Entry 二煩惱
[...] that are innate 倶生障, with the former residing [...]:
View Full Entry 二障