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Headword matches for 入法界:
ALSO IN: 入法界品   入法界无量   入法界無量   华严经入法界品   大方广佛华严经入法界品   大方广佛花严经入法界品顿证毘卢遮那法身字轮瑜伽仪轨   大方广华严经续入法界品   大方廣佛花嚴經入法界品頓證毘盧遮那法身字輪瑜伽儀軌   大方廣佛華嚴經入法界品   大方廣華嚴經續入法界品   續入法界品   续入法界品   華嚴經入法界品  

Entry body matches for 入法界 (入法界品抄記)

[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 不動優婆夷
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 chapter of the Huayan [...]:
View Full Entry 五十三善知識
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 休捨優婆夷
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 具足優婆夷
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 勝熱婆羅門
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 善住比丘
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 善知衆藝童子
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 善見比丘
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 堅固解脫長者
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 大光王
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in [...]:
View Full Entry 大天神
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in [...]:
View Full Entry 妙月長者
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 婆珊婆演底主夜神
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 安住地神
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 師子頻申
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 德生童子
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 德雲比丘
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 慈行童女
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 明智居士
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 普眼長者
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 最寂靜婆羅門
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 正趣菩薩
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 毘目瞿沙仙人
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 法寶髻長者
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 海幢比丘
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 海雲比丘
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in [...]:
View Full Entry 無上勝長者
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in [...]:
View Full Entry 無勝軍長者
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 無厭足王
[...] Translated as 入法界 entering the realm of the [...]:
View Full Entry 羅摩伽
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 自在主童子
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 自在海師
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 解脫長者
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in [...]:
View Full Entry 賢勝優婆夷
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 鞞瑟胝羅居士
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界 in the Huayan jing. See [...]:
View Full Entry 鬻香長者
[...] (T 327); 入法界體性經 *Dharmadhātu-prakṛtyavatāra [...]:
View Full Entry 闍那崛多
[...] realm of reality 入法界品. See 五十三善知識. This count [...]:
View Full Entry 五十五善知識
[...] is referred to as 入法界品 (The Chapter on Entering [...]:
View Full Entry 入法界品
[...] in the Gaṇḍavyūha 入法界品 portion of the Buddhâvataṃsaka [...]:
View Full Entry 善財童子
[...] Realm of Reality 入法界品 in the Huayan jing (Skt. Avataṃsaka-sūtra) 華嚴經. In the story, Sudhana visits fifty-three teachers (including the bodhisattva Maitreya 彌勒) to learn how to carry out the conduct of a bodhisattva. The entry for 入法界品 provides more detail [...]:
View Full Entry 知識會
[...] beopgye pum chogi 入法界品抄記 (1 fasc.; not extant [...]:
View Full Entry 均如
[...]. 法界無量 (入法界無量) – Unfathomability of the dharmadhātu [...]:
View Full Entry 十廻向
[...]. Also written 入法界無量. 瑜伽論 [...]:
View Full Entry 法界無量
[...] way is realized 入法界無量. [...]:
View Full Entry 道種性