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Headword match for 六不定過:

Entry body matches for 六不定過

[...] expression (六不定, 六不定過) (Skt. anekântika-hetu [...]:
View Full Entry 不定因
[...] inconclusiveness 六不定過. 成唯識論述記 [...]:
View Full Entry 不定過
[...] uncertain reasons 六不定過, and (3) four kinds of [...]:
View Full Entry 似因
[...] inconclusiveness 六不定過, a group that is in turn [...]:
View Full Entry 倶品一分轉
[...] in the reason 六不定過. 因明入正理論疏 [...]:
View Full Entry 共不定
[...] examples See under 六不定過 [...]:
View Full Entry 共不定因
[...] due to uncertainty 六不定過. See 六不定 (Skt. sādhāranânaikāntika [...]:
View Full Entry 共不定過
[...] inconclusiveness 六不定過, a group that is in turn [...]:
View Full Entry 同品一分轉異品遍轉
[...] (anaikāntika) 六不定過, and (3) four kinds of contradictory [...]:
View Full Entry 因十四過
[...] inconclusiveness 六不定過, a group that is in turn [...]:
View Full Entry 異品一分轉同品遍轉
[...] with the reason 六不定過 from among the thirty-three [...]:
View Full Entry 相違決定過