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Headword matches for 六十二見:
ALSO IN: 六十二見經   梵網六十二見經  

Entry body matches for 六十二見

[...]-two mistaken views 六十二見 attributed to members [...]:
View Full Entry 一分常論
[...]-two mistaken views 六十二見 of non-Buddhist philosophers [...]:
View Full Entry 七斷滅論
[...] views and beliefs 六十二見 (Skt. dvā-ṣaṣṭi). 梵網經 [...]:
View Full Entry 六十二
[...]-two views See 六十二見. 中論 T [...]:
View Full Entry 六十二諸見
[...] mistaken views See 六十二見 [...]:
View Full Entry 六十二邪見
[...]-two mistaken views 六十二見 attributed to non-Buddhist [...]:
View Full Entry 四遍常論
[...] 四食 sixty-two views 六十二見 eight kinds of liberation [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘法苑義林章
[...] types. See 常見 and 六十二見 (Skt. śāśvata-vādin, [...]:
View Full Entry 常論
[...] as one of the sixty-two views 六十二見 held by certain non-Buddhist [...] the Sutra on the Sixty-two Views 六十二見經 elaborate seven kinds of [...]:
View Full Entry 斷見
[...] as the 62 views 六十二見.梵網六十二見經 T [...]:
View Full Entry 法網
[...], sixty-two views 六十二見 and so forth. Also listed [...]:
View Full Entry 見行
[...]-two mistaken views 六十二見 (Skt. dṛṣṭi; mithyā [...]:
View Full Entry 邪見
[...] Yuksibi gyeon jang 六十二見章 1 fasc. (nonextant [...]:
View Full Entry 圓測
[...] Sixty-two Views 六十二見經 elaborates seven kinds [...]:
View Full Entry 斷論