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Headword matches for 六神通:
ALSO IN: 具足六神通   第六神通  

Entry body matches for 六神通

[...] abilities 六神通. Applied to buddhas they are [...]:
View Full Entry 三明
[...] abilities 六神通, minus the power of the extinction [...]:
View Full Entry 五神通
[...] abilities 六神通 (T 1558.29.134c07). Also, the [...]:
View Full Entry 他心智
[...] abilities 六神通.See 他心智 (Skt. cetaḥ paryāya-jñāna [...]:
View Full Entry 他心通
[...] powers See 六神通 (Skt. ṣaḍbhir abhijñābhiḥ; Tib [...]:
View Full Entry 六種神通
[...] abilities See 六神通 (Skt. ṣaḍ-abhijñā, ṣaḍ-abhijña [...]:
View Full Entry 六通
[...] as 具足神通. See 六神通. 法華經 T [...]:
View Full Entry 具足六神通
[...]; also written as 具足六神通. See 六神通 [...]:
View Full Entry 具足神通
[...] abilities 六神通. The Huayan jing has two lists [...]:
View Full Entry 十通
[...] abhijñā 六通 (六神通). It may be obtained among humans through the practice of meditation 修得; it is also a natural possession of those born in the deva heavens 報得. See 六神通. Cf. 天耳, etc. (Skt. divya-cakṣus [...]:
View Full Entry 天眼
[...] powers 神通 (六神通, 三明) produced by the attainment [...]:
View Full Entry 奇蹟
[...] abilities 六神通 (Skt. pūrva-nivāsa-smṛti). 瑜伽論 [...]:
View Full Entry 宿住通
[...] abilities 六神通. Also 宿命通 [...]:
View Full Entry 宿命智通
[...] abilities 六神通, and one of the ten powers 十力 [...]:
View Full Entry 宿命通
[...] spiritual powers 六神通; he is above the first [...]:
View Full Entry 法身菩薩
[...] superknowledges 六神通. (Skt. *āsrava-kṣaya-sākṣātkārâbhijñā [...]:
View Full Entry 漏盡通
[...] abilities 六神通 (Skt. pūrve-nivāsânusmṛti-jñāna [...]:
View Full Entry 知過去世
[...] abilities 六神通 (Skt. ṛddhi-vidhi-jñāna, abhijñā [...]:
View Full Entry 神境通
[...] abilities. See 六神通 and [...]:
View Full Entry 神足通
[...] abilities 六神通 of an arhat. Ubiquitous supranormal [...]:
View Full Entry 神通
[...] abilities 六神通 of a Buddha. In in this phrasing [...]:
View Full Entry 自識宿命
[...] abilities 六神通 and to have attained arhatship [...]:
View Full Entry 華色
[...] superknowledges 六神通. 無量壽經 [...]:
View Full Entry 見他心智
[...] abilities 六神通. 觀無量壽佛經疏妙宗鈔 [...]:
View Full Entry 身如意通
[...] abilities 六神通. 摩訶止觀 T 1911.46.23a7 Shandao [...]:
View Full Entry 身通
[...] counted at six 六神通 (Skt. abhijñā-jñāna). 攝大乘論 [...]:
View Full Entry 通智
[...] the six powers 六神通 (Skt. antarīkṣa-cara, kha [...]:
View Full Entry 飛行