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Headword matches for 共不定:
ALSO IN: 不共不定   不共不定过   不共不定過   共不定因   共不定过   共不定過  

Entry body matches for 共不定 (共不定過)

[...] inconclusive See 共不定. 成唯識論學記 [...]:
View Full Entry 倶不定
[...] negative examples 共不定 (過) (Skt. sādhāranânaikāntika). a reason not shared with either the positive or negative examples 不共不定 (過) (asādhāraṇa-anaikāntika [...]:
View Full Entry 六不定過
[...], being too broad 共不定. (From Kuijiʼs explanatory [...]:
View Full Entry 同品有異品有
[...] examples Also 共不定過 (Skt. sādhāranânaikāntika [...]:
View Full Entry 共不定
[...]. See also 三比量, 共不定過, 共許法. 成唯識論學記 HBJ 3.487b23 [...]:
View Full Entry 共比量