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Headword matches for 十不二門:
ALSO IN: 十不二門指要鈔  

Entry body matches for 十不二門

[...] of nonduality 十不二門 taught in Tiantai. See 依正. 十不二門 T 1927 [...]:
View Full Entry 依正不二門
[...] of nonduality 十不二門.宗鏡錄 T [...]:
View Full Entry 修性不二門
[...] to nonduality 十不二門 and later interpretations [...]:
View Full Entry 十不二門指要鈔
[...] One of the ten nondualities 十不二門 of Tiantai 天台宗 teaching. The [...] less; effect means Buddhahood 佛果. 十不二門 T 1927.46.703a11 [...]:
View Full Entry 因果不二門
[...] ten nondualities 十不二門 宗鏡錄 [...]:
View Full Entry 染淨不二門
[...] to nonduality 十不二門. See [...]:
View Full Entry 權實不二
[...] ten nondualities 十不二門. 十不二門 T 1927.46.703a13; 十不二門指要鈔 [...]:
View Full Entry 權實不二門
[...] of non-duality 十不二門. See 一念無明法性心. References [...]:
View Full Entry 法性卽無明
[...] to nonduality 十不二門 and addressed the problems [...]:
View Full Entry 源淸
[...] of non-duality 十不二門. 法華文句記 [...]:
View Full Entry 能潤
[...] of nonduality 十不二門. [...]:
View Full Entry 自他不二
[...] to nonduality 十不二門 taught by Zhanran. 十不二門指要鈔 [...]:
View Full Entry 色心不二門
[...] yuantong ji 十不二門圓通記 in three scrolls; Jinpiyu [...]:
View Full Entry 從義
[...]’er men zhiyao chao 十不二門指要鈔 (Jottings on the [...]:
View Full Entry 三千事用
[...] beings 三密. See 十不二門指要鈔. [...]:
View Full Entry 三業不二門
[...] as it is 三千宛爾 (十不二門指要鈔 T 1928.46.715b19:). Nothing [...]:
View Full Entry 別理隨緣
[...] shizhu zhi 十不二門示珠指 by the off-mountain Yuanqing 源淸, he wrote the Shibuermen zhi yaochao 十不二門指要鈔, wherein he criticized the [...]:
View Full Entry 知禮
[...] reading Zhiliʼs 知禮 十不二門指要鈔 he reflected, and [...]:
View Full Entry 道因
[...], Shibuermen lun 十不二門論, and so forth. After the [...]:
View Full Entry 蒙潤