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Headword matches for 四不定:
ALSO IN: 四不定法  

Entry body matches for 四不定

[...] mental functions 四不定. 倶舍論記 [...]:
View Full Entry 不定地法
[...] dharmas 四不定. Finally, the aggregate of consciousness [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘廣五蘊論
[...] functions 四不定 (indeterminate in terms of wholesome [...]:
View Full Entry 心所
[...] dharmas 四不定. In the group of form there are [...]:
View Full Entry 百法
[...] states 四不定法 (Skt. aniyatā dharmāḥ). 瑜伽論 T 1579 [...]:
View Full Entry 不定法
[...] factors See 四不定法 (Skt. catur-aniyata; Tib. [...]:
View Full Entry 四不定
[...] good or evil 四不定法. Vitarka 尋 is a mental function [...]:
View Full Entry 尋伺
[...] in Yogâcāra 四不定法 and one of the eight indeterminate [...]:
View Full Entry 悔