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Headword match for 四無色定:

Entry body matches for 四無色定

[...] concentrations 四無色定 (四空處, 四無色). (T 1558.29.40c [...]:
View Full Entry 三界
[...] concentrations 四無色定, and the concentration of [...]:
View Full Entry 九次第定
[...] concentrations 四無色定, eight forms of liberation [...]:
View Full Entry 五十法
[...] concentrations 四無色定. 大安般守意經弘明集 T 2102.52.87a21 [...]:
View Full Entry 十二門
[...] concentrations 四無色定. 大安般守意經 [...]:
View Full Entry 十二門禪
[...] 四空處. Also written 四無色定. [...]:
View Full Entry 四空定
[...] formless realm See 四無色定. ((Pāli arūpâvacara [...]:
View Full Entry 無色定
[...] formless realm See 四無色定. (Pāli arūpa-avacara [...]:
View Full Entry 無色界定
[...] par skyes pa). See 四無色定. 善見律毘婆沙 T 1462.24.695c07 [...]:
View Full Entry 生無色
[...] concentrations 四無色定. Beings who dwell here [...]:
View Full Entry 空無邊處
[...] on emptiness 四無色定—the emptiness of dharma-marks [...]:
View Full Entry 十二禪