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Headword matches for 四無量:
ALSO IN: 四無量心  

Entry body matches for 四無量

[...] rendering of 四無量 (Skt. catvāry-apramāṇāni) [...]:
View Full Entry 四等心
[...] boundless minds 四無量 (Skt. upekṣā, upekṣâpramāṇa [...]:
View Full Entry 捨無量心
[...] states of mind 四無量 and the four unhindered [...]:
View Full Entry 無量無礙
[...] (appamaññāyo, 四無量心): loving-kindness (mettā [...]:
View Full Entry 三十八行處
[...] states of mind 四無量心, four formless concentrations [...]:
View Full Entry 五十法
[...] demeanors 四無量心 (brahmavihāra; of friendliness [...]:
View Full Entry 十二禪
[...] boundless mind 四無量心, and the four formless [...]:
View Full Entry 十二門
[...] boundless mind 四無量心, and the four formless [...]:
View Full Entry 十二門禪
[...] development, i.e. 四無量心 the four kinds of boundless [...]:
View Full Entry 十地心
[...] states of mind 四無量心. [...]:
View Full Entry 喜捨
[...] states of mind 四無量心. 大智度論 [...]:
View Full Entry 喜無量心
[...] 捨; see 四無量心. Four states of mind taught in [...]:
View Full Entry 四心
[...] mental states 四無量心 (Skt. catvāro brahma-vihārāḥ [...]:
View Full Entry 四梵住
[...] [minds] See under 四無量心. Also known as 四等心, [...]:
View Full Entry 四無量
[...] states of mind 四無量心. Another group is 字語法身 [...]:
View Full Entry 四等
[...] minds. 四無量心. [...]:
View Full Entry 四量
[...] boundless minds 四無量心. 二障義 HBJ 1.808b 大乘起信論義記 [...]:
View Full Entry 廣大心
[...] states of mind 四無量心 of the Buddha. His name [...]:
View Full Entry 彌勒
[...], appamāṇāni, 四無量心): loving-kindness (mettā [...]:
View Full Entry 心念住
[...] boundless minds 四無量心 (Skt. karuṇā-apramāṇa [...]:
View Full Entry 悲無量心
[...] unfathomable minds 四無量心. Often used as an abbreviation [...]:
View Full Entry 慈
[...] four brahmavihāras 四無量心: Used in this sense [...]:
View Full Entry 慈仁
[...] boundless minds 四無量心.瑜伽論 [...]:
View Full Entry 慈定
[...] immeasurable minds 四無量心. To work for the benefit [...]:
View Full Entry 慈無量
[...] immeasurable minds 四無量心 (Skt. maitrī). 法乘義決定經 [...]:
View Full Entry 慈無量心
[...] states of mind 四無量心; one of the ten virtuous [...]:
View Full Entry 捨
[...] mental states 四無量心; one of the ten kinds of [...]:
View Full Entry 捨心
[...] mental states 四無量心. The mental state of compassion [...]:
View Full Entry 梵住
[...] states of mind 四無量心. It is the Dharma that [...]:
View Full Entry 梵志計水淨經
[...] practices 梵行. See 四無量心; the first sermon at [...]:
View Full Entry 梵輪
[...] mind See 四無量心 (Skt. apramāṇa, apramāṇa-citta [...]:
View Full Entry 無量心
[...] unfathomable mind 四無量心. (Skt. ārakṣā, gupta [...]:
View Full Entry 護