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Headword match for 四種涅槃:

Entry body matches for 四種涅槃

[...] of nirvana See 四種涅槃. 成唯識論學記 [...]:
View Full Entry 四涅槃
[...] contents. See 四種涅槃. 成唯識論學記 [...]:
View Full Entry 四涅槃體
[...] kinds of nirvana 四種涅槃 in Yogâcāra theory. 瑜伽論 [...]:
View Full Entry 有餘涅槃
[...] kinds of nirvana 四種涅槃 in the theory of the Yogâcāra [...]:
View Full Entry 本來自性淸淨涅槃
[...] kinds of nirvana 四種涅槃 (Skt. apratiṣṭhita-nirvāṇa [...]:
View Full Entry 無住涅槃
[...] aspects of nirvana 四種涅槃 [...]:
View Full Entry 自性淸淨涅槃