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Headword matches for 因果:
ALSO IN: 三世两重因果   三世兩重因果   三世因果   三法展轉因果同時   三法展转因果同时   不昧因果   不落因果   世間因果   世间因果   二种因果   二種因果   互为因果   互爲因果   五周因果   信於因果   出世間因果   出世间因果   善恶因果   善恶因果经   善惡因果   善惡因果經   因果不二門   因果不二门   因果为宗   因果同时   因果同時   因果報應   因果差別   因果差別諦   因果差別谛   因果应报   因果性   因果應報   因果报应   因果拨无   因果撥無   因果比量   因果爲宗   因果物語   因果物语   因果理   因果異时   因果異時   因果皆空宗   因果相似   因果相称   因果相稱   因果相續   因果相续   因果眞实   因果眞實   因果經   因果经   拨因果   拨无因果   撥因果   撥無因果   无因果   无边因果   无辺因果   無因果   無邊因果   生死涅槃因果   異熟因果   百丈不昧因果   自类因果   自類因果   觀因果   观因果   諦信因果   谛信因果   过去现在因果经   过现因果经   迷因果   迷悟因果   過去現在因果經   過現因果經   非因果  

Entry body matches for 因果 (因果不二門)

[...], cause and effect 因果, defilement and purity [...]:
View Full Entry 三千事用
[...] cause and effect 因果 as occurring through the [...]:
View Full Entry 善因善果
[...] ; 輪轉五道罪福報應經, 過去現在因果經, 法苑珠林; 佛說未曾有正法經 T 628.15.444b20 Cf. 因果. [...]:
View Full Entry 因果報應
[...] doctrines of karma 因果 and rebirth, expressed [...]:
View Full Entry 大梁皇帝敕答臣下神滅論
[...] causes and results 因果. Next he elucidates [...]:
View Full Entry 天台四教儀
[...] saṃsāra. See also 因果 (Skt. chinna-plotika [...]:
View Full Entry 斷因
[...] with cause, i. e. 因果 cause and effect. The [...]:
View Full Entry 果
[...] causes and effects 因果 of Buddha Nature, its [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃宗要
[...] effect Syn. with 因果. 梵網經 T 1484.24.1001a17 [...]:
View Full Entry 緣果
[...] doctrine of 因果 or retribution). 慧琳音義 Also [...]:
View Full Entry 補羯娑
[...] of causality 因果 without doubt. Also see 信於因果. 永平家訓 [...]:
View Full Entry 諦信因果
[...] notion of karma 因果. Strictly speaking, however [...]:
View Full Entry 運命
[...] activities Cf. 因果. 眞心要決 [...]:
View Full Entry 酬因感果
[...] and their effects 因果—religious practices and [...]:
View Full Entry 十對
[...], cause and effect, 因果不二門, impurity and purity [...]:
View Full Entry 十不二門
[...]. 「所言波羅提木叉者 翻名處處解脫 因果二位中 有解脫義故」 梵網經菩薩戒本私記 HBJ [...]:
View Full Entry 處處解脫
[...] of (1) causation 因果假; (2) (temporal) continuity [...]:
View Full Entry 智藏
[...] cause and effect 因果同時 is that even if two [...]:
View Full Entry 倶有因
[...] cause-and-effect 因果同時 [...]:
View Full Entry 因果異時
[...] such as 撥無因果 and 因果撥無 (Skt. apavāda, apavādika, apavadita [...]:
View Full Entry 撥無
[...] 邪見. Also written 因果撥無 (Skt. phala-hetv-apavādin [...]:
View Full Entry 撥無因果
[...] fi de la causalité (inga hotsumu 因果撥無) et dévie dans la griserie [...] dans cette même causalité 不落因果卽不昧 因果 (Akitsuki Ryōmin [...] même causalité 不落 因果 卽不昧因果 (Akitsuki Ryōmin 秋月龍珉, [...]:
View Full Entry 野狐禪
[...] age from birth; 因果比量 from cause and effect [...]:
View Full Entry 五種比量
[...] Inga monogatari 因果物語. [...]:
View Full Entry 鈴木正三
[...] cause over effect 因果異時, and as such, the convergence [...]:
View Full Entry 意根
[...] cause-and-effect 因果眞實 (Skt. phala-hetu-tattva [...]:
View Full Entry 十種眞實
[...] Fo shuo shan'e yinguo jing 佛說善惡因果經. Also called Yinguo jing [...] 因果 經. Also called Yinguo jing 因果經. This is a short karmic [...] ryūtsū to sono shiteki haikei 善悪因果経の流通とその史的背景 The Diffusion of [...]:
View Full Entry 善惡因果經
[...] 大迦葉. Also called 過現因果經 and 因果經 [...]:
View Full Entry 過去現在因果經
[...] to past cause; 因果語 inherent cause and effect [...]:
View Full Entry 七種語
[...] pa); also called 因果道理. deductive reasoning [...]:
View Full Entry 四道理