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Headword matches for 壽量品:
ALSO IN: 如來壽量品  

Entry body matches for 壽量品

[...] enlightenment. 法華經:壽量品. Same as 久遠實成. 大華嚴經略策 [...]:
View Full Entry 久成正覺
[...]; cf. Lotus Sutra, 壽量品, where Buddha is declared [...]:
View Full Entry 佛壽
[...] 序品, Long Life 壽量品, Distinguishing between the [...]:
View Full Entry 合部金光明經
[...], Long Life chapter 壽量品, and first half of the [...]:
View Full Entry 四種三段
[...] on Longevity 壽量品, and Chapter of the Universal [...]:
View Full Entry 四要品
[...]. Abbreviated as 壽量品. 法華經 [...]:
View Full Entry 如來壽量品
[...] Longevity Chapter 壽量品 of the Lotus Sutra 法華經 [...]:
View Full Entry 常在靈鷲山
[...]); (22) longevity 壽量品 (on the lifespans of the [...]:
View Full Entry 立世阿毘曇論