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Headword match for 大日如來:

Entry body matches for 大日如來

[...] Tathāgata 大日如來. [...]:
View Full Entry 一實神道
[...] by Mahāvairocana 大日如來 to liberate beings. These [...]:
View Full Entry 三輪身
[...] 毘盧遮那 (aka. 大日如來). 大般涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 不壞身
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來. Being in all phenomena [...]:
View Full Entry 五大
[...] Mahāvairocana 大日如來 (who is on the west side [...]:
View Full Entry 佛室
[...] Tathāgata 大日如來. Also known as the complete dhāraṇī [...]:
View Full Entry 光明眞言
[...] the name of. See 大日如來 (Skt. obhāsita). 五分律 T [...]:
View Full Entry 光明遍照
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來, this group is comprised [...]:
View Full Entry 內四供養菩薩
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來, this group is comprised [...]:
View Full Entry 八供養菩薩
[...] Tathāgata 大日如來. T 2538.79 [...]:
View Full Entry 六大法身
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來 that reveals itself out [...]:
View Full Entry 加持門
[...] Dainichi nyorai 大日如來 13 sanjūsankai ki 三十三回忌 [...]:
View Full Entry 十三佛忌
[...] of Dainichi Nyorai 大日如來 [...]:
View Full Entry 十界修行
[...] Tathāgata 大日如來 at the center who is referred [...]:
View Full Entry 十識
[...] Tathāgata 大日如來. Through the cultivation of the [...]:
View Full Entry 卽身成佛義
[...] Mahāvairocana 大日如來 as the dharmakāya 法身 of Śākyamuni [...]:
View Full Entry 台密
[...] on Vairocana 大日如來 in the vajradhātu 金剛界曼荼羅, [...]:
View Full Entry 四波羅蜜菩薩
[...] of Vairocana 大日如來. [...]:
View Full Entry 圓勝寺
[...] as 摩訶毘盧遮那. See 大日如來. (Skt [...]:
View Full Entry 大日
[...] Tathāgata 大日如來. [...]:
View Full Entry 大日寺
[...] Mahāvairocana 大日如來 and an assembly led by Vajrapāṇi [...]:
View Full Entry 大日經
[...] Sanskrit name. See 大日如來 [...]:
View Full Entry 大日遍照
[...] Mahāvairocana See 大日如來. [...]:
View Full Entry 大毘盧遮那
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來, was crafted by Kūkai [...]:
View Full Entry 寶滿寺
[...]-tathāgata 大日如來.His body is vast in size, and [...]:
View Full Entry 廣博身如來
[...] Vairocana 大日如來 as the ultimate mind, the attributes [...]:
View Full Entry 心王如來
[...] Buddhism. See 大日如來, and [...]:
View Full Entry 摩訶毘盧遮那
[...] Buddhism. See 大日如來, and [...]:
View Full Entry 摩訶毘盧遮那如來
[...] Tathāgata 大日如來 at the center of the Womb World [...]:
View Full Entry 普現色身
[...] Mahāvairocana 大日如來 as the original object of [...]:
View Full Entry 本尊
[...] of Dainichi Nyorai 大日如來. For a study of the [...]:
View Full Entry 歡喜天
[...] translated name 大日如來. 少室六門 [...]:
View Full Entry 毘盧舍那
[...] Buddha See 大日如來 and 毘盧舍那 [...]:
View Full Entry 毘盧遮那
[...] Buddhism, see 大日如來. [...]:
View Full Entry 毘盧遮那佛
[...]) of Mahāvairocana 大日如來. The right hand is placed [...]:
View Full Entry 法界定印
[...] I. e. Vairocana 大日如來. 大日經 [...]:
View Full Entry 百光遍照王
[...] Buddha See 大日如來. 摩訶止觀 T [...]:
View Full Entry 盧遮那佛
[...], with Vairocana 大日如來 as the chief object of [...]:
View Full Entry 祕宗
[...] Vairocana 大日如來 in the garbhadhātu [...]:
View Full Entry 胎大日
[...] with Vairocana 大日如來. According to some texts [...]:
View Full Entry 自受法樂
[...] Tathāgata. See 大日如來. [...]:
View Full Entry 遍一切處
[...] Dainichi Nyorai 大日如來. He illuminates the whole [...]:
View Full Entry 遍昭
[...] Dainichi Tathāgata 大日如來. A composite of the [...]:
View Full Entry 遍昭遮那
[...] Dainichi Nyorai 大日如來 of the diamond world maṇḍala [...]:
View Full Entry 遍昭金剛
[...] tathāgata 大日如來 (毘盧遮那佛). [...]:
View Full Entry 遍照
[...] I.e. Vairocana 大日如來. (Skt. Vairocanas tathāgataḥ [...]:
View Full Entry 遍照如來
[...] Tathāgata See 大日如來. 大方廣佛華嚴經隨疏演義鈔 [...]:
View Full Entry 遍照尊
[...] of the name; see 大日如來. [...]:
View Full Entry 遍照王如來
[...] into Chinese as 大日如來; 白若咱那). A Mahāyāna buddha [...]:
View Full Entry 遍照護
[...] Tathāgata 大日如來. It is also a cognomen for Kūkai [...]:
View Full Entry 遍照金剛
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來 as an offering to Akṣobhya [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛嬉
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來 as an offering to Amitâbha [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛歌
[...] Tathāgata 大日如來 at the center of the Vajradhātu [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛界大日
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來 as an offering to Amoghasiddhi [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛舞
[...] from Mahāvairocana 大日如來. According to tradition [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛薩埵
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來 as an offering to Ratnasaṃbhava [...]:
View Full Entry 金剛鬘
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來 in the Vajradhātu realm [...]:
View Full Entry 鍐
[...] Tathāgata 大日如來, whose body is thus ornamented [...]:
View Full Entry 阿字本不生
[...] of Mahāvairocana 大日如來, i.e., the mantra of the [...]:
View Full Entry 阿鑁覽唅欠