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Headword matches for 大涅槃:
ALSO IN: 入大涅槃   大涅槃經   大涅槃經後譯荼毘分   大涅槃经   大涅槃经后译荼毘分   大涅槃经後译荼毘分   无上大涅槃   無上大涅槃   般若波罗蜜出大涅槃   般若波羅蜜出大涅槃  

Entry body matches for 大涅槃 (大涅槃經)

[...] his parinirvāṇa 大涅槃. Those who recite the dhāraṇī [...]:
View Full Entry 出生無邊門陀羅尼經
[...] of nirvana 大涅槃. 五輪九字明祕密釋T [...]:
View Full Entry 四轉
[...]) great extinction 大涅槃 (mahā-parinirvāṇa) and [...]:
View Full Entry 所轉得
[...]-nirvāṇa in the 大涅槃經. 摩訶止觀 T 1911.46.36c20 les [...]:
View Full Entry 五支戒
[...] foxing zhang 大涅槃經佛性章, and [...]:
View Full Entry 利渉
[...] jong-yo 大涅槃經宗要 2 fasc. (extant) Huayan Hwaeomgyeong [...]:
View Full Entry 元曉
[...] titles 大般涅槃經荼毘分, 大涅槃經後譯荼毘分, 涅槃經後分, 闍維分, and [...]:
View Full Entry 大般涅槃經後分
[...] yeolban gyeongso 大涅槃經疏 (14 fasc.), Geumgwangmyeong [...]:
View Full Entry 憬興