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No headword matches for 大般涅槃經疏

You may wish to consult the following external source(s)

Bukkyo jiten (Ui) 705

Fo Guang Dictionary 846

Ding Fubao {Digital Version}

Bussho kaisetsu daijiten (Ono) ⑦427c*

Bukkyō daijiten (Mochizuki) (v.1-6)3361a

Bukkyō daijiten (Oda) 1156-2

Entry body matches for 大般涅槃經疏

[...] the Nirvana Sutra 大般涅槃經疏. [...]:
View Full Entry 大疏
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 大般涅槃經疏 by Guanding 灌頂 (561–632 [...]:
View Full Entry 教惑
[...] title for 大般涅槃經疏. [Chinese Buddhist Canonical [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃經疏
[...] jing shu siji 大般涅槃經疏私記 (10 fasc.), Weimojing shu [...]:
View Full Entry 道邃