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Headword match for 如量智:

Entry body matches for 如量智

[...] pair of 如理智 and 如量智. In Yogâcāra and the Awakening [...]:
View Full Entry 二智
[...] wisdom 如量智. 佛性論 T 1610.31.802c At T 1616.864b19–20, Paramârtha identifies this term with nirvikalpakajñāna as contrasted with and tat-pṛṣṭha-labdha-jñāna (如量智). 大乘起信論義記 T [...]:
View Full Entry 如理智
[...] wisdom 如量智 (Skt. anubodha). 疏記會本 HBJ 1.765a13 [...]:
View Full Entry 覺察
[...] insight 理智. See 如量智. 二障義 [...]:
View Full Entry 量智