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ALSO IN: 㑚伽定   一切如來定   一切如來必定印   一切如来定   一切如来必定印   一切法界決定智印   一向定   一向決定   一定   一定性   七种定名   七種定名   三定   三定聚   三昧之定   三昧定   三昧正定   不共不定   不共不定过   不共不定過   不可定說   不可定说   不定   不定业   不定义   不定受业   不定受業   不定因   不定地   不定地法   不定声闻   不定姓   不定心   不定性   不定性人   不定教   不定業   不定止觀   不定止观   不定法   不定种   不定种姓   不定种性   不定種   不定種姓   不定種性   不定義   不定聚   不定聚众生   不定聚衆生   不定聲聞   不定觀   不定观   不定过   不定過   不決定   不用处定   不用處定   世間可愛妙定   世間禪定   世间可爱妙定   世间禅定   丛林校定淸规   丛林校定淸规总要   丛林校定淸规怼要   中間定   中间定   为定量   义決定   乐定   乐禅定   九次第定   习定   了彻禅定   了徹禪定   事定   二不定   二不定法   二定   二无心定   二無心定   二种定   二種定   五禅定佛   五禪定佛   人定   从定出   从定起已   令醉乱量无定限   令醉亂量無定限   以为定量   以爲定量   众德本严淨三昧正定   会者定离   住定   住定菩萨   住定菩薩   住於正定之聚   住正定聚   依边际定   依辺际定   依邊際定   修定   修定加行   修得定   修禅定   修禪定   修諸定者   修诸定者   倶不定   健行定   先定   入定   入定时   入定時   入无想定   入无色定   入正定   入正定聚   入滅定   入滅盡定   入灭定   入灭尽定   入無想定   入無色定   入禅定   入禪定   八不定   八定   八定水   六不定过   六不定過   六决定   六決定   六种決定   六種決定   六門教授習定論   六门教授习定论   共不定   共不定因   共不定过   共不定過   决定   出世間定   出世间定   出定   分別定勝行成就如意足   分別定品   分別定胜行成就如意足   刊定   刊定記   刊定记   初定   初禅定   初禪定   劝修定慧结社文   勇伏定   勝定   勝定果色   勸修定慧結社文   十处定   十處定   十遍处定   十遍處定   华严经略疏刊定记   印順定   印顺定   叢林校定淸規   叢林校定淸規總要   同品定有性   唯識心定   唯识心定   善安定   善決定   善決定心   善決定愿   善決定願   喜乐定   喜樂定   四不定   四不定法   四定   四定記   四定记   四无色定   四淨定   四無色定   四禅八定   四禅定   四禪八定   四禪定   四空定   圣定   在定   在定地   坏定   堕決定   堕邪定聚   增上定学   增上定學   墮決定   墮邪定聚   壁定   壞定   处定   处定心   大周刊定众经目錄   大周刊定衆經目錄   大周刋定众经目錄   大周刋定衆經目錄   大定   大定智悲   大寂定   大寂定照禅帅   大寂定照禅师   大寂定照禪師   大寂定門融今古去來之相   大寂定门融今古去来之相   大悲定   大禅定   大禅定尼   大禅定门   大禪定   大禪定尼   大禪定門   女人定   女子出定   如來定   如幻定   如来定   妙定   威定   安住勝有頂定   安住胜有顶定   安定   安定心   安定捨   安定舍   安定舎   定一   定不定   定业   定业亦能转   定中   定中意識   定中意识   定中独头意识   定中獨頭意識   定义   定乐   定事   定位   定住   定作   定侶   定信   定修   定光   定光佛   定共戒   定具戒   定判   定別因   定力   定印   定受业   定受業   定向   定味   定命   定品   定善   定因   定地   定執   定境界   定妃   定姓   定姓二乘   定学   定學   定实   定宾   定實   定尔   定带   定当   定律仪   定律儀   定心   定心三昧   定心智   定忍   定性   定性二乘   定性喜乐地   定性喜樂地   定性声闻   定性緣覺   定性缘觉   定性聚   定性聲聞   定性菩萨   定性菩薩   定意   定愛   定慧   定慧力   定慧圆明   定慧圓明   定慧均等   定慧寺   定慧社   定慧等学   定慧等學   定慧結社   定慧結社文   定慧结社   定慧结社文   定戒   定所作   定所引   定所引色   定执   定摄   定摄心   定攝   定攝心   定教   定散   定散二善   定无   定无极   定日   定智   定有   定有性   定有无   定有無   定林寺   定果   定果实色   定果實色   定果色   定根   定業   定業亦能轉   定樂   定次   定止   定死   定水   定法   定法华三昧   定法華三昧   定波罗蜜   定波羅蜜   定無   定無極   定然   定照   定爱   定爾   定理   定生喜乐   定生喜乐地   定生喜樂   定生喜樂地   定異   定異因   定當   定盘子   定盘星   定盤子   定盤星   定相   定相应   定相應   定省   定眼   定知   定种姓   定種姓   定立   定紹   定绍   定義   定者   定聚   定自在   定自在力   定自在所生色   定蘊   定行   定行地   定覺分   定覺支   定觀   定观   定觉分   定觉支   定說   定論   定论   定说   定賓   定起   定身   定量   定門   定门   定隐   定障   定障相   定障解脫   定隱   定額   定額寺   定额   定额寺   审定   寂定   寂定地   寂滅定   寂滅最勝定   寂灭定   寂灭最胜定   審定   屛处不定   屛處不定   差定   已定   常定   广普寂定   庆屋定绍   廣普寂定   弥陀定印   彌陀定印   得名聞定   得名闻定   得定   得定心   得寂定   得決定   從定出   從定起已   心不定   心定   心定勝行成就如意足   心定胜行成就如意足   心得內定   心得定   心決定   必定   念定   性定   性決定   性決定者   想受滅定   想受灭定   想定   慈定   慧定   慶屋定紹   戒定   戒定慧   戒定慧解脫解脫知見   戒定慧解脫解脫知见   戒定智   戒定道共   所作不定   所作決定   所依定   所修定   把定   挍定   揩定   摩訶毘盧遮那如來定惠均等入三昧耶身雙身大聖歡喜天菩薩修行祕密法儀軌   摩诃毘卢遮那如来定惠均等入三昧耶身双身大圣欢喜天菩萨修行祕密法仪轨   断定   斷定   无不定   无不定心   无学正定   无定   无定实   无定性   无定法   无寻无伺定   无心定   无心想定   无念禅定   无想定   无想定位   无所有处定   无決定   无漏定   无相定   无色定   无色界定   无色解脫定   无觉少观定   无觉无观定   无间定   无间禅定   时決定   明增定   明得定   時決定   最妙勝定經   最妙胜定经   會者定離   有漏定   有覺有觀定   有觉有观定   未到定   未定   未至到地定   未至定   本性正定   校定淸規   校定淸规   根本定   樂定   樂禪定   欲定   欲定勝行相應如意足   欲定胜行相应如意足   欲界定   正在定   正定   正定业   正定之聚   正定众生   正定業   正定聚   正定聚众生   正定聚衆生   正定衆生   正定覺   正定觉   正性定聚   正性決定   正法华定   正法華定   水定   決定   決定一心   決定业   決定之义   決定之義   決定信   決定修作   決定分別   決定勝   決定地   決定境   決定增上   決定声闻   決定实有   決定實有   決定已   決定往生   決定得   決定心   決定思   決定性   決定悟入   決定无   決定时   決定時   決定智   決定有   決定業   決定毘尼   決定毘尼經   決定毘尼经   決定無   決定相   決定相应   決定相應   決定相违   決定相违过   決定相違   決定相違過   決定眞实   決定眞實   決定种性   決定種性   決定答   決定聲聞   決定胜   決定能立   決定菩萨   決定菩薩   決定藏論   決定藏论   決定行   決定行地   決定解   決定說   決定说   決定轉   決定转   決定防护   決定防護   法乘义決定经   法乘義決定經   法光定   法定   法界定   法界定印   深入禅定   深入禪定   深定   深禅定   深禪定   淸淨定   滅受想定   滅受想定解脫   滅受想定身作證具足住解脫   滅定   滅定智明   滅定智通   滅心定   滅盡定   滅盡定位   滅盡定起   火光定   火定   火界定   灭受想定   灭受想定解脫   灭受想定身作证具足住解脫   灭定   灭定智明   灭定智通   灭尽定   灭尽定位   灭尽定起   灭心定   灵峰益大帅选定淨土十要   灵峰益大师选定淨土十要   無不定   無不定心   無學正定   無定   無定實   無定性   無定法   無尋無伺定   無心定   無心想定   無念禪定   無想定   無想定位   無所有處定   無決定   無漏定   無相定   無色定   無色界定   無色解脫定   無覺少觀定   無覺無觀定   無間定   無間禪定   爲定量   犹未定   猶未定   现生正定聚   現生正定聚   甚深禅定   甚深禪定   生得定   癡定   直定   相违決定   相违決定不定过   相违決定过   相違決定   相違決定不定過   相違決定過   眼目定动   眼目定動   神定   禅定   禅定乐   禅定十门   禅定印   禅定境   禅定寺   禅定尼   禅定心   禅定波罗蜜   禅定门   禪定   禪定十門   禪定印   禪定境   禪定寺   禪定尼   禪定心   禪定樂   禪定波羅蜜   禪定門   离垢定   空处定   空定   空无边处定   空无辺处定   空無邊處定   空處定   立定   第四禅定   第四禪定   等定   精进定   精进定胜行成就如意足   精進定   精進定勝行成就如意足   緣覺定性   續華嚴經略疏刊定記   续华严经略疏刊定记   缘觉定性   義決定   習定   聖定   肯定   胜定   胜定果色   脩定   色定   色界定   若定若生   菩提达摩南宗定是非论   菩提達摩南宗定是非論   華嚴經略疏刊定記   處定   處定心   衆德本嚴淨三昧正定   規定   规定   認定   調定   調定地   調直定   識處定   議定   认定   议定   识处定   调定   调定地   调直定   貞元新定釋教目錄   贞元新定释教目錄   起定   辨定   边际定   辺际定   近分定   邊際定   那伽大定   邪定   邪定众生   邪定性聚   邪定聚   邪定衆生   邪性定   量不定   金刚喩定   金刚喩定现在前时   金刚定   金剛喩定   金剛喩定現在前時   金剛定   閑定   闲定   隐定   隱定   难可定判   难得定   離垢定   難可定判   難得定   露处不定   露處不定   靈峰益大師選定淨土十要   静虑等定   靜慮等定   非定   非想定   非想非非想处定   非想非非想處定   非決定   頓漸祕密不定   顿渐祕密不定   首楞严定   首楞嚴定  

Entry body matches for 定 (定/定學)

[...]. (2) samādhi (定/定學) meditative concentration [...]:
View Full Entry 三學
[...]. Variant form of . [...]:
View Full Entry 㝎
[...] 三學 of morality 戒, meditation , and wisdom 慧, Ejin says: [...] bekkan 別卷, p. 629–636) by Kōjō 光 (779–854), often quoted by [...]:
View Full Entry 一心妙戒抄
[...]; (6) samādhi , concentration; and (7) upekkhā [...]:
View Full Entry 七覺意
[...] and the seventh. (覺支) concentrating; (samādhi [...]:
View Full Entry 七覺支
[...] either wisdom 慧 or concentration . cooperatively cultivated [...] 中道王三昧 Also called 三三昧地, 三三摩地, 三, 三等持; 三空; 三治, [...]:
View Full Entry 三三昧
[...] of concentration and the mind of wisdom [...]:
View Full Entry 三心
[...] into Chinese as . 一切經音義 [...]:
View Full Entry 三摩半那
[...] Translated into Chinese as ; as 正 定 , the mind [...] into Chinese as 定 ; as 正, the mind fixed and [...] of the object contemplated; by 調直 ordering and fixing the [...] or rapture, or trance. Dhyāna represents a simpler form of [...]:
View Full Entry 三昧
[...] T 224.8.426c26 Cf. [...]:
View Full Entry 三昧處
[...] discipline; (b) meditation, or trance; [...]:
View Full Entry 三無漏學
[...] 戒, meditation , and wisdom 慧. 般泥洹經; 三家龜鑑 [...]:
View Full Entry 三要
[...] nothingness 無所有處(). [...]:
View Full Entry 不用處定
[...] of concentration . Perplexed, confused; [...]:
View Full Entry 亂
[...] through meditation [...]:
View Full Entry 事證
[...] by cultivating 戒, , and 慧; 他力 anotherʼs [...]:
View Full Entry 二力
[...] 念, concentration , and wisdom 慧. The three [...]:
View Full Entry 二十二根
[...] and wisdom. and 慧 [...]:
View Full Entry 二美
[...] both wisdom 慧 and concentration . (a) 心解脫 Mental liberation, [...] in attaining to concentration ; (b) 不時解脫 the quick or [...]:
View Full Entry 二解脫
[...] through meditation and wisdom 慧 is realization [...]:
View Full Entry 二證
[...] Tiantai school to (or to its Tiantai form [...]:
View Full Entry 二輪
[...] 念, concentration , and wisdom 慧; one of [...]:
View Full Entry 五善根
[...]) Differs from 入 as means 自心之寂靜 complete stillness [...]:
View Full Entry 入觀
[...] of both meditation and wisdom 慧 in Buddhist [...]:
View Full Entry 兩翅
[...] 根; meditation ; and views 見. 翻譯名義集 Explained [...]:
View Full Entry 八犍度
[...] the indeterminate mental states 不心所 of mental impulse [...] (smṛti 念), concentration (samādhi ), and intelligence (prajñā [...] the indeterminate mental states 不心所, including the four kinds [...]:
View Full Entry 六位心所
[...] of śīla 戒, dhyāna , and prajñā 慧. The so [...]:
View Full Entry 六祖壇經
[...] texts as 禪 and , also distinguished into the standard pair of śamatha (calm abiding 止) and vipaśyanā (analytical contemplation 觀). Also 參禪, 禪, 三昧, etc. This is an indigenous [...]:
View Full Entry 冥想
[...] 戒, (2) meditation , [...]:
View Full Entry 初中後善
[...] (samādhi ), and intelligence (prajñā 慧) [...]:
View Full Entry 別境
[...], (2) concentration , (3) wisdom 慧, (4) liberation [...]:
View Full Entry 十一法
[...] The Stage of Mental Stability 心. The Stage of the Wisdom of [...] 精進, wisdom 慧, concentration , nonretrogression 不退, [...]:
View Full Entry 十信
[...] 念, concentration , and wisdom 慧. Ref. 摩訶止觀 [...]:
View Full Entry 十種細法
[...] concentration , their wisdom 慧, their remembrances [...]:
View Full Entry 十通
[...] hand represents stillness, or meditation [...]:
View Full Entry 印
[...] 戒, meditation , and wisdom 慧) in the perfect [...]:
View Full Entry 圓融三學
[...]); T 263.9.90b11 元代 [...]:
View Full Entry 多是
[...] 戒, concentration , and wisdom 慧 in order [...]:
View Full Entry 學地
[...] as 止 and and is transliterated as 奢摩他. [...]:
View Full Entry 寂靜
[...] the seven dhyānas , the mind fixed in one [...]:
View Full Entry 心一境性
[...] – samāhitam – concentrated 三昧 – samādhi [...]:
View Full Entry 心念住
[...] of samādhi (concentration) and prajñā [...]:
View Full Entry 戒
[...]: 戒 morality (śīla) meditation (samādhi) 慧 wisdom (prajñā) 解脫 liberation 解脫知見 knowledge and vision of liberation The first three—morality, meditation, and wisdom 戒慧 are normally grouped [...]:
View Full Entry 戒定慧解脫解脫知見
[...] of concentration ; the mind scattered, not [...]:
View Full Entry 散
[...] with concentration make up the 三德 three [...]:
View Full Entry 智悲
[...] of concentration . The latter is translated [...]:
View Full Entry 止觀
[...], and doctrine, 戒, , 慧, 解脫, and 知見. In the [...]:
View Full Entry 法身體性
[...] meditation. Cf. , 禪; T 262.9.45c24 (Skt. dhyāyin [...]:
View Full Entry 深定
[...] 戒, concentration , and wisdom 慧. It contains [...]:
View Full Entry 淸淨道論
[...] 輕安, concentration , and dispassion 捨 of [...]:
View Full Entry 無染支
[...] absorption that one has access to before beginning cultivation in this life; as distinguished from 修得 (Skt. dhyānôpapatti [...]:
View Full Entry 生得定
[...] Iriya, et. al. suggest that has no real meaning in this [...] ZGDJT states that in this phrase means forehead 顁. [...]:
View Full Entry 眼目定動
[...] with that of , but this word is more closely associated with samādhi, cf. 禪. The term also connotes Buddhism [...]:
View Full Entry 禪
[...], samādhi as abstraction; or meditation in the realms of 色 the visible, or known, and concentration on 無色 the invisible, or supramundane 禪. 摩訶止觀 T [...]:
View Full Entry 禪三昧
[...] calm abiding (靜慮, ), channa can also have [...]:
View Full Entry 禪那
[...] by Kumārajīva as 法華經 T 262.9.11b7 Bondage [...]:
View Full Entry 結網
[...] 戒, meditation , and wisdom 慧. One of the [...]:
View Full Entry 聖行
[...] 戒, meditation , and wisdom. 顯揚聖教論 T 1602 [...]:
View Full Entry 行學
[...] (śamatha; 止, ). To analyze or investigate [...]:
View Full Entry 觀
[...] 戒, concentration , and wisdom 慧. This text [...]:
View Full Entry 解脫道論
[...] 念, concentration and wisdom 慧. In Sāṃkhya [...]:
View Full Entry 諸根
[...] lead to samādhi ( concentration or mental [...]:
View Full Entry 講院
[...] The samādhi of a great dragon king 那伽 [...]:
View Full Entry 那伽大定
[...] 根, meditation , and views 見.(1) cf. K.944 [...]:
View Full Entry 阿毘曇八犍度論
[...], jñāna 知, samādhi , and refutation of the [...]:
View Full Entry 阿毘達磨倶舍論
[...] thought The or degree of meditation of [...]:
View Full Entry 非有想
[...] (śīla 戒, samādhi , and prajñā 慧). Another [...]:
View Full Entry 頓悟漸修
[...] 馱衍那; translated by [...]:
View Full Entry 駄南
[...], evaluate. [] 天陰騭下民 [...]:
View Full Entry 騭
[...] of indeterminacy in the reason 不因, wherein two valid [...] explains it thus: , 相違決者。如立宗言聲是無常。所作性故。譬如瓶等。有立聲常。所聞性 [...] 。 (T 1630.32.12a12–14) [...] (eko 'naikāntikaḥ). Also written 決相違. [...]:
View Full Entry 相違決定
[...] karma; opposite of 業 (Skt. aniyata-vedanīya [...]:
View Full Entry 不定受業
[...]. Determinate karma 業 and indeterminate karma 不業. Wholesome activity [...]:
View Full Entry 二業
[...] of activity. Cf. 業. [...]:
View Full Entry 散業
[...] from 不業. Syn. 業. It is a concept that originated [...]:
View Full Entry 決定業
[...].27.98a21 See also 業不業 [...]:
View Full Entry 順後次受業
[...].27.98a23 See also 業不業 [...]:
View Full Entry 順次生受業
[...] 現報. 大毘婆沙論 Also see 業不業 (Skt. dṛṣṭa-dharma [...]:
View Full Entry 順現法受業
[...] of the six pāramitās: 財成決 the certainty of wealth; 生勝決 [...] 定 the certainty of wealth; 生勝決 of rebirth in honorable [...] rebirth in honorable families; 不退決 of no retrogression (to [...] (to lower conditions); 修習決 of progress in practice; [...] 定 of progress in practice; 業決 定 of unfailingly [...] progress in practice; 定 業決 of unfailingly good karma; [...] of unfailingly good karma; 無功用決 of effortless abode in truth [...] in truth and wisdom. 大乘莊嚴論. [六決] 勸發菩提心集 T 1862.45.401a29 [...]:
View Full Entry 六種決定
[...] of the five ordinary senses 中意識 during deep states of [...] divided into absorbed manovijñāna 中意識, distracted manovijñāna [...]:
View Full Entry 四種意識
[...] senses See 中意識. [...]:
View Full Entry 定中獨頭意識
[...] stages of dhyāna 樂 . (3) The joy of nirvana [...]:
View Full Entry 三樂
[...] 全提正令; and, 乾坤句 in places where the Buddha [...]:
View Full Entry 汾陽四句
[...] who in turn are 光, 藥師, 普賢, 阿彌陀, 觀音, 勢至, [...]:
View Full Entry 十齋佛
[...] to Dīpaṃkara 光 Buddha. Translated as 世自在王佛 [...]:
View Full Entry 樓夷亙羅
[...] as 燃燈佛; 錠光, and 光; transliterated as 提洹竭 [...]:
View Full Entry 然燈佛
[...] oil-lamp here. Cf. 光. 正法華經 T 263.9.113b29 [...]:
View Full Entry 錠光
[...] and then at Jōkōji 光寺. He was later the [...]:
View Full Entry 竺翁仲仙
[...] resided at Jōkō'in 光院 to concentrate his [...]:
View Full Entry 我寶
[...] written 靜慮律儀 and 共戒. uncontaminated restraints [...]:
View Full Entry 三種律儀
[...] 作持戒. Cf. 二持. 共戒 and 道共戒. Precepts for lay [...]:
View Full Entry 二戒
[...] dhyāna See 共戒; abbreviated as 戒 (Skt. dhyāna [...]:
View Full Entry 定具戒
[...]-saṃvara) See 共戒. [...]:
View Full Entry 定律儀
[...] Fully written as 具戒 and 共戒 (Skt. dhyāna-saṃvara [...]:
View Full Entry 定戒
[...] with dhyāna See 共戒. [...]:
View Full Entry 禪律儀
[...]-saṃvara). See 共戒. The Chan/Zen school 禪宗 [...]:
View Full Entry 禪戒
[...] written 靜慮生律儀. See 共戒 [...]:
View Full Entry 靜慮律儀
[...]-saṃvara) See 共戒, 律儀, and 三種律儀. 倶舍論 T 1558 [...]:
View Full Entry 靜慮生律儀
[...] Abbreviated as 戒; also translated as 具戒, 靜慮律儀, 靜慮生律儀, 禪律儀, 律儀, and 禪戒. 大毘婆沙論, 倶舍論, 瑜伽師地論 [...]:
View Full Entry 定共戒
[...] causes 別因 (pratiniyama-hetu). Also written 異因. All compounded phenomena produce [...]:
View Full Entry 十因
[...] rendering of 別因 (Skt. pratiniyama-hetu) [...]:
View Full Entry 定異因
[...] of concentration 力power of insight 慧力阿毘達磨集異門足論 [...]:
View Full Entry 七力
[...] (smṛti-bala); 力 the power of concentration (samādhi-bala); 慧力 the power of wisdom (prajñā-bala) (Skt. pañcānāṃ balānām; Tib. stobs lnga). Also the five transcendent powers: 力 the power of meditation [...]:
View Full Entry 五力
[...] the power of mental concentration 力, the power of [...] wisdom [the six pāramitās] 持戒忍辱精進禪力, the powers of right [...]:
View Full Entry 十三力
[...] of] determination 力 power of [knowledge [...]:
View Full Entry 十力
[...] 精進力, concentration 力, and wisdom 慧力, all [...]:
View Full Entry 四力
[...], (2) meditation 印, (3) enlightenment 證誠印 [...]:
View Full Entry 五種印
[...] the samādhi mudrā 印. The mother who produces [...]:
View Full Entry 佛眼佛母
[...] meditation posture 印 frequently exhibited [...]:
View Full Entry 彌陀定印
[...] of mudrā. See 印. 喩紙經 [...]:
View Full Entry 法界定印
[...] two good things, 善 the good character that [...]:
View Full Entry 二善
[...] of the Pure Land 善. visualization of the [...]:
View Full Entry 十三觀
[...] within meditation 善 and wholesome behavior [...]:
View Full Entry 定散二善
[...] wholesomeness 善. Though not in meditation [...]:
View Full Entry 散善
[...] of meditation 善. T 2660 [...]:
View Full Entry 有念無念
[...] The chapters are as follows: 土體性 in the Pure Land to the [...] are reborn based on their karma. 往生人 the question is asked: [...] 聖人 are born concurrently 兼生. (?) 往生因 what are the causes of [...]:
View Full Entry 淨土論
[...] the Dingtian lun 天論. Finally, the students [...]:
View Full Entry 陰陽寮
[...] concentration 學. Training through understanding [...]:
View Full Entry 二學
[...] (adhicittaṃ 學) consists of right effort [...]:
View Full Entry 學
[...] study 教門. Syn. 禪門 and 教外別傳. Also, meditation 學 among the three Buddhist disciplines 三學. Ten categories of meditation. See 禪十門. The dhyāna pāramitā [...]:
View Full Entry 禪門
[...], 1226 in Jeong-an 安, Chungbuk province, [...]:
View Full Entry 冲止
[...] of King Jeongjong (宗 [...]:
View Full Entry 廣學寶
[...] 飾宗記 by Dingbin 賓. (2) The Nanshan school [...]:
View Full Entry 律三宗
[...] 大亮, Dingbin 賓, and Fazang 法藏. 宋高僧傳 T 2061 [...]:
View Full Entry 滿意
[...] Vinaya by Dingbing 賓 [...]:
View Full Entry 飾宗義記
[...] To settle down 居; to rest 止息. To question [...]:
View Full Entry 慰
[...] of Jōzan Sozen 山祖禪 (d. 1374) Zoku shōhōron [...]:
View Full Entry 扶桑五山記
[...] under Jōzan Sozen 山祖禪 (?–1374) at Daikōji [...]:
View Full Entry 通幻寂靈
[...] 莊超, Jeongjam 岑 and so [...]:
View Full Entry 麗嚴
[...] of Dingzhou county 州 in the Northern and [...]:
View Full Entry 光統律師
[...] 百巖寺 in Dingzhou 州 (Hebei 河北 province) and [...]:
View Full Entry 懷暉
[...] also written 法界決三昧。諸法體性,無量無二,難可執持。菩薩入此三昧,則能決 [...] 定 三昧。諸法體性,無量無二,難可執持。菩薩入此三昧,則能決知諸法性,而得 定 相; [...] 定 知諸法性,而得相; 猶如虛空無能住者,得神足力,則能處之。 畢幢相三昧 [...] also written 決幢相三昧。bodhisattvas who abide [...] in this state of concentration 能決持諸三昧法幢,於諸三昧最爲尊勝; [...] also written 善立王三昧。bodhisattvas who abide in [...] also written 入一切言詞決三昧。bodhisattvas who abide in [...] śuddha-sāra), also written 淨堅三昧。bodhisattvas who abide in [...] concentration 則通達諸法而不執著滯礙於其一一法之一準則。 一莊嚴三昧 (Skt. eka-vyūha), [...] state of concentration 能以諸功德莊嚴禪,令得淸淨而具足一切妙相。 不喜苦樂三昧 (Skt. [...] in this state of concentration 於正聚、邪 定 聚、不 定 [...] of concentration 於正 定 聚、邪聚、不 定 [...] 於正 定 聚、邪 定 聚、不聚一切衆生,都無所棄,一心攝取,而不見有邪正等相。 [...] samādhi-samatā), also written 等三昧、平等性三昧。bodhisattvas who abide [...] 亦不樂住非世間,以不執著於空之故。 如住三昧 (Skt. [...] also written 決安住眞如三昧。菩薩住此三昧。則知一切法如實相,不見有法超越 [...]:
View Full Entry 百八三昧
[...]). Also written 座. The novice monk who brings [...]:
View Full Entry 定者
[...]. King Jeonggang 康王 (r. 886–887) had the [...]:
View Full Entry 雙磎寺
[...] 理德, meditation 德, and practice 行德 of all [...]:
View Full Entry 一切如來普賢
[...] 慧心, the mind of concentration 心, the mind of generosity 施心, [...] mind 慧心; (5) concentrated mind 心; (6) non-regression mind [...]:
View Full Entry 十心
[...] of concentration 心 mind of wisdom 慧心 mind [...]:
View Full Entry 十發趣
[...] 進心; meditation 心; wisdom or understanding [...]:
View Full Entry 十發趣心
[...] in meditation 心; wisdom 慧心. These comprise [...]:
View Full Entry 十長養
[...] Concentrated mind 心 [...]:
View Full Entry 增上心
[...] samādhi. Syn. 心. 正法華經 T 263.9.72a3 (Skt. sthiti); translated by Kumārajīva as (法)住. 正法華經 T 263.9.76b6 (Skt. samādhi-samāpatti). 正法華經 T 263.9.82c26 (Skt. dhyānavat, dhyāyin); translated by Kumārajīva as 入禪. [...]:
View Full Entry 定意
[...] and distracted mind Focused mind 心 and distracted mind 散心. The [...] rebirth. The settled practice 行/ 定 善 is meditation [...] The settled practice 定 行/善 is meditation that leads to [...]:
View Full Entry 定散
[...] nature See 性. 觀心覺夢鈔 [...]:
View Full Entry 定姓
[...]. Abbreviated as 性. [...]:
View Full Entry 定性喜樂地
[...] proclivities 性二乘. the nature predetermined for bodhisattva 菩薩; whose members will ultimately attain the full enlightenment of the buddhas. the indeterminate nature 不性, whose members inherently [...]:
View Full Entry 五性各別
[...] fixed nature See 性二乘 [...]:
View Full Entry 定姓二乘
[...] See under 性二乘. [...]:
View Full Entry 定性緣覺
[...] See under 性二乘. 攝大乘論 [...]:
View Full Entry 定性聲聞
[...] and pratyekabuddha practices—性二乘,—whose minds are [...] Stabilized mind. The 性喜樂地 is the second dhyāna [...]:
View Full Entry 定性
[...] bodhisattvahood 性菩薩 are able to do this [...]:
View Full Entry 定性二乘
[...] is also known as 惠金剛 and 無盡金剛. Also written [...]:
View Full Entry 無盡意
[...]. Also written 意; one of the ten kinds of [...]:
View Full Entry 定心
[...] 制心, concentration 意, wisdom 智慧 and abandoning [...]:
View Full Entry 阿那律八念經
[...] and wisdom 慧 (慧, 慧財 [...]:
View Full Entry 七聖財
[...]/wisdom 慧, compassion/wisdom 悲智, and primary [...]:
View Full Entry 二法
[...] Prajñā Society. Abbreviated as 慧結社文 and 結社文. He wrote it as [...] cultivation of samādhi and prajñā 慧. Translated by Robert [...]:
View Full Entry 勸修定慧結社文
[...] wisdom Syn. with 慧. 瑜伽論 T 1579.30.476a1 [...]:
View Full Entry 定智
[...] and wisdom (慧雙修). A story has it that an [...]:
View Full Entry 曉峰元明
[...] and wisdom (慧宗; equivalent to the Tiantai [...]:
View Full Entry 六宗
[...] Pujisi 焦山普濟寺. See 慧寺. Fusaiji. A Kenchōji [...]:
View Full Entry 普濟寺
[...] See Dinghuisi 慧寺. [...]:
View Full Entry 焦山寺
[...] 大仙寺 and the Jōeji 慧寺. He was given the posthumous [...]:
View Full Entry 英朝
[...]), Dinghuisi 慧寺, and Miaoxingsi 妙行寺 (both [...]:
View Full Entry 雪關智誾
[...] Butchō kokushi 慧明光佛頂國師. (Ueda, Masaaki 上田正昭 [...]:
View Full Entry 一絲文守
[...] He was tonsured by Gyunjeong 均 at Cheollaksa 天樂寺 in [...] to his samādhi and prajñā society 慧社. Yose subsequently joined [...]:
View Full Entry 了世
[...] and prajñā society 慧結社. He subsequently [...]:
View Full Entry 亙璇
[...] and Prajñā Society 慧結社 [...]:
View Full Entry 修禪社
[...]. Also called 慧結社. [...]:
View Full Entry 定慧社
[...] jeonghye gyeolsa 慧結社, an ascetic community [...]:
View Full Entry 居祖庵
[...] Wisdom Community 慧結社. It has continued to [...]:
View Full Entry 松廣寺
[...] the samādhi and prajñā society 慧結社. The goal of this [...] Samādhi and Prajñā Community 勸修慧結社文 (1 fasc.), Mogujaʼs [...]:
View Full Entry 知訥
[...] wisdom community 慧結社 [...]:
View Full Entry 社堂
[...], of Dinghui yuan 慧院, the sixth generation [...]:
View Full Entry 螺溪
[...] referred to as 果色, 所引色, 所引, 自在所生色, etc. They are [...]:
View Full Entry 定自在所生色
[...] meditative power—所引色 (所引). Supernatural form [...]:
View Full Entry 法處所攝色
[...] power See 所引色. 觀心覺夢鈔 [...]:
View Full Entry 定所引
[...] by meditation See 所引色 [...]:
View Full Entry 定果實色
[...] power Also called 所引色; see 自在所生色 [...]:
View Full Entry 定果色
[...] stabilization hand 手. Each digit is associated [...]:
View Full Entry 左手
[...] of concentration 手. [...]:
View Full Entry 智手
[...] SadakataAkira方晟 Ajase no sukui: Bukkyō ni [...]:
View Full Entry 未生冤經
[...] SadakataAkira 方晟Ajase no sukui: Bukkyō ni okeru tsumi to kyūsai 阿闍世の救いー佛教における罪と救濟KyotoJinbun shoin1984 SadakataAkira 方晟Ajase no satori 阿闍世の悟りKyotoJinbun [...]:
View Full Entry 阿闍世王
[...] on the formless 無色 (Skt. ārūpyôpapanna; Tib. gzugs med par skyes pa). See 四無色. 善見律毘婆沙 T 1462.24.695c07 [...]:
View Full Entry 生無色
[...] Also called 師資衆脈記, 是非推邪顯正破壞一切心傳, 最上乘頓悟法門 [...]:
View Full Entry 歷代法寶記
[...] after Jōchō 朝 (–1057), Unkei became one [...]:
View Full Entry 運慶
[...] called Dinglin 林 on Mt. Zhong 鍾山, where [...]:
View Full Entry 曇摩蜜多
[...] Monastery 林上寺, Zhongshan 鍾山.T 2151.55.360c18 [...]:
View Full Entry 八關齋經
[...] at Dinglinshangsi 林上寺 in Zhongshan 鍾山 (mod [...]:
View Full Entry 沮渠京聲
[...] of 法獻 Dinglinsi 林寺. Later he studied the [...]:
View Full Entry 僧祐
[...] at Dinglingsi 林寺. He is thought to have [...]:
View Full Entry 劉勰
[...] 幽棲寺, Dinglinsi 林寺, Zhiyuansi 枳園寺, Jilongshan [...]:
View Full Entry 南京
[...]), and Jōrinji 林寺 (Okayama 岡山 prefecture [...]:
View Full Entry 德翁良高
[...] 萬福寺 and Jōrinji 林寺. He passed away on the [...]:
View Full Entry 明江德舜
[...] 弘宗 at Dinglinsi 林寺, he became known for [...]:
View Full Entry 智藏
[...] in Dinglinsi 林寺 near the capital, where [...]:
View Full Entry 道度
[...] absorption 果色. This is the aspect of material [...]:
View Full Entry 業果色
[...] concentration 果色, and basically anything [...]:
View Full Entry 無見無對
[...] of concentration 根; faculty of wisdom 慧根 [...]:
View Full Entry 五根
[...] 念根, concentration 根, and wisdom 慧根. In the [...]:
View Full Entry 五色根
[...] 念根, concentration 根, and wisdom 慧根. Same [...]:
View Full Entry 已智根
[...]. samādhîndriyam; 根), and wisdom (Skt. prajñêndriyam [...]:
View Full Entry 斷善根
[...] 勤根, concentration 根, mindfulness 念根, and [...]:
View Full Entry 無漏九根
[...] 念根, concentration 根, and wisdom 慧根. Also [...]:
View Full Entry 資糧位
[...] 念根, concentration 根, and wisdom 慧根. Sarvāstivāda [...]:
View Full Entry 順解脫分
[...] time at Dingshuisi 水寺 he took up residence [...]:
View Full Entry 平石如砥
[...] Jōsan 淸算, Shō'on 照遠, and Jōsen 泉. English translation by A. [...] No. 2 6 梵網經古迹記補忘抄10 rolls堯戒泉記1273–1312yesND vol. 19 [...]:
View Full Entry 梵網經古迹記
[...] as 補忘抄; by Jōsen 泉 (1273–1312) and Shinkū [...]:
View Full Entry 梵網經古迹記補忘抄
[...]–1482) at Jōshin'in 津院 in Shinano 信濃 (present [...]:
View Full Entry 悅堂英穆
[...]–1512) at Jōshin'in 津院, being ordained in [...]:
View Full Entry 雲鷹玄俊
[...] of Dinghai 海, Ningbo 寧波 (Zhejiang 浙江 province [...]:
View Full Entry 瑞巖山
[...] Jp. comm: Shōjinʼs 深 Explanation of the [...]:
View Full Entry 千手千眼觀世音菩薩大悲心陀羅尼
[...] states that Jōshō 照 became head of the temple [...]:
View Full Entry 大覺寺
[...] behest of Jōshō 照, uncle of Togashi Masa [...]:
View Full Entry 祇陀寺
[...] 賢俊 and Jeonghyeon 玄. Choe distinguished [...]:
View Full Entry 崔致遠
[...] by meditation 生喜樂 attaining sublime pleasure [...]:
View Full Entry 三靜慮
[...] by meditation 生喜樂. This is achieved through [...]:
View Full Entry 四禪定
[...] or subject of meditation, 初禪. 生喜樂地 Paradise of cessation of [...] space; also the first samādhi, 第一. 識無邊處地 vijñānānamtyāyatanam, [...] or infinite perception, 二. 無所有處地 ākiñcanyāyatana, the [...] the land of nothingness, 三. 非想非非想處地 [...] i.e. above either; this is the 四. Eitel says that in the last [...]:
View Full Entry 九地
[...] the non-thought concentration 無想 (Skt. asaṃjñi-samāpatti), [...] the concentration of extinction 滅盡 (Skt. nirodha-samāpatti), [...] of no conceptualization 無想 the concentration of [...] the concentration of extinction 滅盡 the effects of [...] of good and evil causes 異 concomitance 相應 rapidity 勢速 [...]:
View Full Entry 心不相應行法
[...]. Also written 異因. All compounded phenomena [...]:
View Full Entry 定別因
[...] beam. Also written 盤子. As it is of no practical [...]:
View Full Entry 定盤星
[...] zero point See 盤星. [...]:
View Full Entry 定盤子
[...] scaleʼs zero point 盤星, i.e. a section of [...]:
View Full Entry 鉤頭意
[...] characteristics 相. In the Chan/Seon/Zen [...]:
View Full Entry 無相金剛心地戒
[...] meditation See 自在所生色 [...]:
View Full Entry 勝定果色
[...] power See 自在所生色.瑜伽論記 [...]:
View Full Entry 定所引色
[...]. See, for example 自在所生色 (Skt. samādhi-vaśitva [...]:
View Full Entry 定自在
[...] by oneʼs will See 自在所生色 [...]:
View Full Entry 自在所生色
[...] Sovereignty 自在王, King of Great Sovereignty [...]:
View Full Entry 二十五菩薩
[...] Jōrensha Onyo 蓮社音譽. A native of Ōmi 近江 who [...]:
View Full Entry 聖觀
[...] 戒蘊, meditation 蘊, wisdom 慧蘊, and liberation [...]:
View Full Entry 四蘊
[...] A wooden ruler 規 and a paper-weight 文鎭. [...]:
View Full Entry 界尺
[...] teachers (Jōken 賢, Gihan 義範, and Hanshun [...]:
View Full Entry 三寶院
[...] abbreviated as 起. [...]:
View Full Entry 滅盡定起
[...] concentration body 身, wisdom body 慧身, liberation [...]:
View Full Entry 五分法身
[...] 樂府體 and 新樂府 至武帝, 郊祀之禮、乃立樂府、采詩夜誦 漢書, 禮樂志 [...]:
View Full Entry 樂府
[...] of concentration 門 and wisdom 慧門; lesser [...]:
View Full Entry 二門
[...] total cessation 滅盡. Thus, the latter type (also known as the cessation hindrances 障) are said to impede [...]:
View Full Entry 二障
[...] annihilation 滅盡—also written 障. In the Abhidharmakośa [...]:
View Full Entry 解脫障
[...] as a Jōgakuji 額寺 in 855. Due to Fujiwara [...]:
View Full Entry 安祥寺
[...] 有食封寺, and jōgakuji 額寺 [...]:
View Full Entry 官寺
[...] of temples. See 額寺. [...]:
View Full Entry 定額
[...] as a Jōgakuji 額寺 in 824, its name was changed [...]:
View Full Entry 神護寺
[...] as a jōgakuji 額寺. A completion date of 840 [...]:
View Full Entry 觀心寺
[...] as a Jōgakuji 額寺 in 913. The templeʼs fortunes [...]:
View Full Entry 醍醐寺
[...], by morality; (2) 香, by meditation; (3) [...]:
View Full Entry 五分法身香