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ALSO IN: 上審菩薩   不審   審問   審定   審察   審希   審思   審思惟   審悉   審慮   審慮思   審正思擇   審決   審然   審當   審祥   審細   審觀   審觀察   審解了   審諦   審諦觀察   審量   恆審思慮   恆審思量   未審   詳審   諦審  

Entry body matches for

[...] did not understand 問; question asked as [...]:
View Full Entry 汾陽十八問
[...] ponder deeply. 博學之、問之 中庸 Interrogation; [...]:
View Full Entry 審問
[...] consideration 察 (篇) thinking cautiously [...]:
View Full Entry 法苑珠林
[...] his student Simhui 希 (fl. 9c). Hyeon-uk [...]:
View Full Entry 九山
[...] Korean monk Simhui 希 [...]:
View Full Entry 寶月
[...] name for Simhui 希. [...]:
View Full Entry 法膺
[...] name of Simhui 希. [...]:
View Full Entry 眞鏡
[...] student Simhui (希, fl. 9c). See 鳳林寺址. Chinese [...]:
View Full Entry 鳳林寺
[...] disciple, Simhui 希. But since then its precise [...]:
View Full Entry 鳳林寺址
[...] his student Simhui 希 [...]:
View Full Entry 鳳林山
[...] (of an object) 慮思, (2) decision-making [...]:
View Full Entry 三思
[...] 華嚴宗 with Simsang 祥. In 744 he succeeded [...]:
View Full Entry 慈訓
[...] the Korean Simsang 祥 to give lectures on [...]:
View Full Entry 華嚴宗