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Headword matches for 心所:
ALSO IN: 三界心心所   五別境心所   五十一心所   五十一心所有法   五遍行心所   六位心所   別境心所   客心所   心及心所   心心所   心心所有法   心心所法   心心所种子   心心所種子   心心所行   心所乐   心所作   心所依   心所執受   心所念   心所思   心所执受   心所有   心所有法   心所樂   心所法   心所种子   心所種子   心所行   心所見   心所见   心所轉   心所转   心所領納   心所领纳   心所默念   心王心所   相应心所   相應心所   能损害心所   能損害心所   能耽著心所   自心所作   自心所现   自心所現   諸心心所   诸心心所   遍行心所   随心所乐   隨心所樂  

Entry body matches for 心所

[...] mental functions 心所 (caitta). The grasped [...]:
View Full Entry 七眞如
[...] mental functions 心所 (caitta) grasping the [...]:
View Full Entry 丈夫果
[...] mental functions 心所. So named because they [...]:
View Full Entry 不定
[...] Mental factors 心所 which do not necessarily [...]:
View Full Entry 不定法
[...] mental factors 心所 in Sarvâstivāda 說一切有部 teaching [...]:
View Full Entry 事平等
[...] the mental factors 心所 that are of unwholesome [...]:
View Full Entry 二障
[...] 心, and caittas 心所, dharmas not associated [...]:
View Full Entry 五事毘婆沙論
[...] 心, mental factors 心所, functions not necessarily [...]:
View Full Entry 五位七十五法
[...] of cognition 心所. The five points are: (1) [...]:
View Full Entry 五義平等
[...] and therefore with 心所 and factors not directly [...]:
View Full Entry 五蘊
[...] mental factors 心所 that are understood to be functioning in all instances of consciousness 遍行 (more fully named as 五遍行心所) (Skt. pañca-sarvatraga [...]:
View Full Entry 五遍行
[...] mental functions 心所 concomitant with the mind [...]:
View Full Entry 五重唯識
[...] mental functions 心所 in Yogâcāra (Skt. manasikāra [...]:
View Full Entry 作意
[...] attendant factors 心所. [...]:
View Full Entry 假智
[...] or states (Skt. caitta, caitasika心所), the first associated with [...] kuśala-mahā-bhūmika-dharmāḥ大善心所) of faith 信, vigilance 不放逸, [...] the indeterminate mental states 不定心所 of mental impulse [...] factors (Skt. sarvatraga-dharmāḥ遍行心所); i.e., five mental states [...] based upon their object 別境心所, including desire or [...] (3) the skillful mental states 善心所 of faith 信, effort 精進, shame [...] the secondary afflicted states 隨煩惱心所 of enmity 忿, hostility 恨, [...] the indeterminate mental states 不定心所, including the four kinds of [...]:
View Full Entry 六位心所
[...] mental function (心所) dharmas. This category [...]:
View Full Entry 別境
[...] function dharmas 心所, containing eleven good [...]:
View Full Entry 善
[...] and mental factors 心所. 所依平等 - a consciousness [...]:
View Full Entry 四義平等
[...] mental functions 心所 are divided. The functions [...]:
View Full Entry 大煩惱地法
[...] mental functions 心所 ensures that the material [...]:
View Full Entry 安危共同
[...], i. e. 心 and 心所 (Skt. cetanā-citta, manaś [...]:
View Full Entry 心心
[...] 心王. Mental factors 心所 is an abbreviation of the term 心所有法. Also written 心心法 [...]:
View Full Entry 心心所
[...] older rendering of 心所 (Skt. citta-caitta, [...]:
View Full Entry 心心數
[...] form of 心所 as well as the earlier form 心數 [...]:
View Full Entry 心所有法
[...] form of 心所 or the full form of 心所有法 (Skt. caitasikaḥ...dharmaḥ, caitasika [...]:
View Full Entry 心所法
[...] later term being 心所. 瑜伽論 T 1579.30.410a Mental [...]:
View Full Entry 心數
[...] with the objects of mind 心所有法. This is the first of the [...] functions, mental factors = 心所. 二障義 HBJ 1.805c (Skt. [...]:
View Full Entry 心法
[...] mental function 心所 若淨即心,應非心所. I.e., the source of the [...]:
View Full Entry 心淨
[...] to it (called 心所). In the Abhidharmakośa-bhāṣya [...]:
View Full Entry 心王
[...] 1579.30.580b1 See 心所. [...]:
View Full Entry 心相應所
[...]) See under 心所. 阿毘曇毘婆沙論 [...]:
View Full Entry 心相應法
[...] with the mind. See 心所 (Skt. citta-saṃprayukta [...]:
View Full Entry 心相應行
[...] kyi rgyu ba). See 心所. 瑜伽論 T 1579.30.432b10 [...]:
View Full Entry 心行
[...] with the mind 心所 (for Skt. text see Pradhan [...]:
View Full Entry 心隨轉法
[...] translation for 心所. See Wonhyoʼs discussion [...]:
View Full Entry 慧數
[...] mental functions 心所. Intelligence, wisdom [...]:
View Full Entry 數
[...] function (caitta 心所) of discernment 慧 阿毘曇毘婆沙論 [...]:
View Full Entry 數滅無爲
[...] and mental factors 心所, which have three kinds [...]:
View Full Entry 有所依
[...] with 心 (mind) and 心所 (mental factors). Since [...]:
View Full Entry 有行相
[...] of mental factors 心所 in Yogâcāra thus, the [...]:
View Full Entry 煩惱位
[...] mental functions 心所. 疏記會本 HBJ 1. 763a9; 大毘婆沙論 [...]:
View Full Entry 王數
[...] of the mind 心所. Explained in detail in the [...]:
View Full Entry 理心
[...] of: mind 心法, mental factors 心所, form 色法, factors not [...] text: 心法(8): 眼識耳識鼻識舌識 身識意識末那識阿賴耶識 心所有法 (51 in 6 groups): [...]:
View Full Entry 百法
[...] functions See 心所. 觀心覺夢鈔 [...]:
View Full Entry 相應心所
[...] The mind 心 and mental objects 心所, which are bound to each [...] The mental objects 心所. 二障義 HBJ 1.790a (Skt. [...]:
View Full Entry 相應法
[...] mental functions 心所 cannot be affected by [...]:
View Full Entry 色非色
[...] the mental factors 心所 simultaneously move in response to the same object. The movement of the mind king 心王 and its functions 心所 toward the apprehension [...]:
View Full Entry 行解
[...] factors 心所. 摩訶止觀 T 1911.46.110b14; 起信論 T 1666 [...]:
View Full Entry 識心
[...] category of caitta 心所 factors, includes the [...]:
View Full Entry 遍行
[...] kun tu 'gro ba See 心所 [...]:
View Full Entry 遍行心所
[...] mental functions 心所. It is the fourth canonical [...]:
View Full Entry 阿毘達磨界身足論
[...] mental functions 心所—considered inferior 劣 [...]:
View Full Entry 隱劣顯勝識
[...]; diligence. 力所不堪、心所不欲、而勉强爲之曰黽 v.i., work hard [...]:
View Full Entry 黽勉
[...] with mind 心所有法 citta-saṃprayukta-saṃskārāḥ [...]:
View Full Entry 七十五法
[...] mental factors See 心所有法 [...]:
View Full Entry 五十一心所
[...] mental factors See 心所有法 (Skt. eka-pañcāśat [...]:
View Full Entry 五十一心所有法
[...] of mental factors 心所有法 taught in the Yogâcāra [...]:
View Full Entry 六煩惱
[...] mental functions 心所有法 taught in the Yogâcāra [...]:
View Full Entry 十一善
[...]-one mental factors 心所有法 contained in the 100 [...]:
View Full Entry 四不定法
[...]); also rendered as 心所法 and 心相應法, etc. Mental factors, workings, activities. The mental functions that comprise the separate aspects of the external environment at the time that the manovijñāna is aware as a whole. Fully written as 心所有法. In Abhidharma, there [...]:
View Full Entry 心所
[...] mental functions 心所有法 (Skt. caitasika). 二障義 [...]:
View Full Entry 心所有
[...] later term being 心所有法. A term which refers [...]:
View Full Entry 心數法
[...] with mind (caitta, 心所法), factors not associated [...]:
View Full Entry 五事
[...] function dharmas 心所法, dharmas not concomitant [...]:
View Full Entry 五法
[...] function dharmas 心所法, dharmas not concomitant [...]:
View Full Entry 五法事理
[...] of concentration 心、心所法,皆不生起作用。 淨燈三昧 (Skt. [...]:
View Full Entry 百八三昧