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Headword matches for 思量:
ALSO IN: 不可思量   不思量   不思量底   可思量   善思量   思量为性   思量心   思量性   思量无我   思量無我   思量爲性   思量能变识   思量能變識   思量行相   思量識   思量识   恆审思量   恆審思量   正思量   非思量   非思量境   非思量境界   非思量底  

Entry body matches for 思量 (思量能變識)

[...] (prasaṅga 思量) from the positions of the opponent [...]:
View Full Entry 寂天
[...] calculating mind 思量心; the seventh (Skt. manas 末那識) consciousness—usually written in Chinese as 意. It is characterized in the Cheng weishi lun as continually examining and assessing 恆審思量. The mind as the principle [...]:
View Full Entry 心
[...] 三能變. Also written 思量能變識. [...]:
View Full Entry 思量識
[...] Same as 思量識 (Skt. manas-vijñāna 末那識). 成唯識論 [...]:
View Full Entry 思量能變識
[...] into Chinese as 意 and as 思量識. As the consciousness that [...] examining and assessing 恆審思量 (T 1585.31.7b28). Much of [...]:
View Full Entry 末那識
[...] truth of arising 思量集諦, analyzing the truth [...]:
View Full Entry 四諦論