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Headword match for 恆審思量:

Entry body matches for 恆審思量

[...] examining and assessing 恆審思量. It is considered to be the [...] 欲界 色界 無色界 意根 阿賴耶 現量 比量 非量 51 末那識 恆審思量 阿賴耶の 見分 有覆無記 欲界 色界 無色界 阿賴耶 [...]:
View Full Entry 八識
[...] and assessing 恆審思量. The mind as the principle [...]:
View Full Entry 心
[...] rendering of 恆審思量. 大乘入楞伽經 [...]:
View Full Entry 恆審思慮
[...] and assessing 恆審思量 (T 1585.31.7b28). Much of [...]:
View Full Entry 末那識