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Headword match for 應量器:

Entry body matches for 應量器

[...] almsbowl. 如來應量器 我今得敷展 May we, together with all living beings, discern the emptiness of the three wheels. 願共一切衆 等三輪空寂 The almsbowl 應量器 used by Sōtō monks are a set [...]:
View Full Entry 展鉢偈文
[...] also translated as 應量器, 鉢器. Cf. 鉢盂. 瑜伽論 T 1579 [...]:
View Full Entry 應器
[...] set their bowls 應量器 during meals. In Dōgenʼs [...]:
View Full Entry 牀緣
[...] begging bowl 應量器. [...]:
View Full Entry 緤
[...]) and the almsbowl 應量器 kept by practicing monks [...]:
View Full Entry 衣盂
[...] Also translated as 應量器 and transliterated as [...]:
View Full Entry 鉢
[...] appropriate amount 應量器 [...]:
View Full Entry 鉢多羅
[...] translated as 應器, 應量器, and 鉢器. Transliterated [...]:
View Full Entry 鉢盂
[...] Also translated as 應量器 [...]:
View Full Entry 鐵鉢
[...]. Also called the 應量器, a monkʼs alms-gathering [...]:
View Full Entry 頭鉢