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Headword match for 有餘涅槃:

Entry body matches for 有餘涅槃

[...] with remainder 有餘涅槃 and nirvana without remainder [...]:
View Full Entry 二涅槃
[...] with remainder 有餘涅槃; the cause 因 has been annihilated [...]:
View Full Entry 二種涅槃
[...] with remainder 有餘涅槃. nirvāṇa without remainder [...]:
View Full Entry 四種涅槃
[...] with residue 有餘涅槃, and final without any residue [...]:
View Full Entry 大般涅槃
[...] with remainder 有餘涅槃 (Skt. śeṣa; Tib. lhag ma [...]:
View Full Entry 有餘
[...] with residue 有餘涅槃 and grounds with residue 有餘依地 [...]:
View Full Entry 有餘依
[...] in this world. See 有餘涅槃. (Skt sopādhiśeṣa-nirvāṇa [...]:
View Full Entry 有餘依涅槃
[...] their decease; cf. 有餘涅槃 [...]:
View Full Entry 有餘土
[...] state is that of 有餘涅槃 incomplete nirvana; when [...]:
View Full Entry 有餘涅槃
[...] with remainder See 有餘涅槃 [...]:
View Full Entry 有餘淸淨
[...] with remainder See 有餘涅槃 [...]:
View Full Entry 有餘過解脫
[...]) with a remainder 有餘涅槃, i.e. the cause but not [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃
[...] with remainder 有餘涅槃 and nirvana without remainder [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃宗要
[...] with remainder 有餘涅槃, where the body still exists [...]:
View Full Entry 無餘涅槃
[...] with remainder 有餘涅槃 by the arhat 阿羅漢 in his [...]:
View Full Entry 聖福
[...] with remainder 有餘涅槃. See 涅槃. 法華經 T 262.9.35a08 [...]:
View Full Entry 般涅槃