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Headword match for 未至定:

Entry body matches for 未至定

[...] concentrations 未至定 include both of these mental [...]:
View Full Entry 有尋有伺
[...] concentrations 未至定 include both of these mental [...]:
View Full Entry 有覺有觀三昧
[...] Same as 未至定 (Skt. anāgamya-samādhi). 四教儀 T [...]:
View Full Entry 未到定
[...] An abbreviation of 未至定 (Skt. aprāpta, anāgamya [...]:
View Full Entry 未至
[...] terminology for 未至定. 四教義, T 1929.46.776b13 [...]:
View Full Entry 未至到地定
[...] result 未至定 (Skt. anāgamya [...]:
View Full Entry 未至果
[...] of concentration 未至定 (Skt. kāma-dhyāna, kāma [...]:
View Full Entry 欲界定