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Headword match for 梵網六十二見經:

Entry body matches for 梵網六十二見經

[...] (Brahmajāla Sutta) 梵網六十二見經: four kinds of eternalism [...]:
View Full Entry 六十二見
[...] title for the 梵網六十二見經. [...]:
View Full Entry 六十二見經
[...] the Dīgha Nikāya 梵網六十二見經). Translation attributed [...]:
View Full Entry 梵網經
[...] of Sixty-two Views 梵網六十二見經 [...]:
View Full Entry 梵達摩納
[...] of Sixty-two Views 梵網六十二見經 [...]:
View Full Entry 須卑