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Headword matches for 正定聚:
ALSO IN: 住正定聚   入正定聚   正定聚众生   正定聚衆生   现生正定聚   現生正定聚  

Entry body matches for 正定聚

[...] See 三聚 (正定聚, 邪定聚,不定聚). Three kinds of people [...]:
View Full Entry 三機
[...] paths 正性定聚 (正定聚), (2) those who will follow [...]:
View Full Entry 三聚
[...] bent on liberation 正定聚 [...]:
View Full Entry 不求彼二
[...]-vyavasthita) See 正定聚. 無量壽經宗要 [...]:
View Full Entry 入正定聚
[...] concentration 正定聚.阿彌陀經疏 HBJ 1.563a17 The four [...]:
View Full Entry 四門
[...] of Buddhahood. See 正定聚 (Skt. samyaktva-niyata [...]:
View Full Entry 正定
[...] [of beings] See 正定聚. 無量壽經宗要 [...]:
View Full Entry 正定之聚
[...] enlightenment See 正定聚 (Skt. samyaktva-niyatāḥ [...]:
View Full Entry 正定聚衆生
[...] beings See 正定聚. 大寶積經 T [...]:
View Full Entry 正定衆生
[...] 三聚. Also written 正定聚 (Skt. samyak-niyata-rāśi [...]:
View Full Entry 正性定聚
[...] category 正定聚. The part, or lot, of nirvana [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃分
[...] Written briefly as 正定聚 [...]:
View Full Entry 現生正定聚
[...] enlightenment 正定聚. [...]:
View Full Entry 等正覺
[...] in the Pure Land 正定聚, depending on the vows [...]:
View Full Entry 近門