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Headword matches for 比量:
ALSO IN: 三支比量   三比量   业比量   为他比量   五种比量   五種比量   他比量   似比量   体比量   共比量   判比量論   判比量论   唯識比量   唯识比量   因果比量   業比量   比量相违   比量相违过   比量相違   比量相違過   比量道理   法比量   爲他比量   相比量   眞比量   自比量   體比量  

Entry body matches for 比量 (比量相違)

[...] by inference (anumāna-pramāṇa) 比量; (3) to know by the [...] (2) inference (anumāna-pramāṇa) 比量; (3) mistaken perception or [...] 非量. (1) Reasoning for oneself 自比量; (2) reasoning for others 他 [...] 比量 ; (2) reasoning for others 他比量, and (3) reasoning for both [...] , and (3) reasoning for both 共比量. See 三 比量 . [...] for both 共 比量 . See 三比量. [...]:
View Full Entry 三量
[...] also 二邊. Inference 比量 and direct perception [...]:
View Full Entry 二見
[...]), e.g. smoke; (b) 比量 valid inference, e.g [...]:
View Full Entry 二量
[...], logical inference 比量 (anumāna-pramāṇa), scriptural [...]:
View Full Entry 五量
[...] 色界 無色界 意根 阿賴耶 現量 比量 非量 51 末那識 恆審思量 阿賴耶の 見分 [...]:
View Full Entry 八識
[...], or evidential; (眞)比量 (Skt. anumāna) a (valid) proposition that is inferential; 似現量 (Skt. pratyakṣābhāsa) a pseudo-perception; 似比量 (Skt. anumānâbhāsa) [...]:
View Full Entry 八門
[...] cognition 比量. Only by means of inference drawing [...]:
View Full Entry 共相
[...], logical inference 比量 (anumāna-pramāṇa), and [...]:
View Full Entry 四量
[...] (眞)現量, valid inference (眞)比量, fallacious direct [...] 1840 (3 fasc.) by Kuiji 窺基判比量論 HBJ 1.814-816 (fragment) by [...]:
View Full Entry 因明
[...] of anumāna-pramāṇa 比量, the criteria for constructing [...]:
View Full Entry 因明正理門論本
[...] Inferential reasoning (anumāna 比量) is differentiated into two [...] oneʼs own sake (svārthânumāna 自比量) and (2) reasoning for the [...] sake of others (parārthânumāna 他比量). To reason for the sake of [...] for others (parārthânumāna 他比量) is done publicly, usually [...]:
View Full Entry 悟他
[...] 現量 (pratyakṣa); (7) inference 比量 (anumāna); (8) relying on [...] 結, pratyakṣaṃ 現量, anumānaṃ 比量, and āptâgama 聖教量. [...]:
View Full Entry 成法八種
[...] of valid inference 比量. The thesis (pakṣa 宗 [...]:
View Full Entry 所立宗
[...], the reasoning 比量 proposed by the proponent [...]:
View Full Entry 所違量
[...]; abbreviation for 比量(Skt. anumāna, ānumānika [...]:
View Full Entry 比
[...]*anvaya-jñāna). See 比量 [...]:
View Full Entry 比知
[...] inference. See 比量 and [...]:
View Full Entry 比非量
[...] 現量, inference 比量, authoritative validity 聖教量 [...]:
View Full Entry 眞實義
[...] of inference 比量 between valid forms of inference and pseudo 似比量 forms [...]:
View Full Entry 眞比量
[...] of argumentation 比量, the opposite of expressing [...]:
View Full Entry 破邪
[...] kinds of reasoning 比量, the opposite of 破邪 [...]:
View Full Entry 立正
[...], or inference 比量. 二障體說 HBJ 10.46 續高僧傳 T 2060 [...]:
View Full Entry 聖量
[...](anumāna-viruddhaḥ, 比量相違), (3) contradicted by [...]:
View Full Entry 能立
[...] (anumāna, 比量). Prior to Dignāga, Buddhists [...]:
View Full Entry 量
[...]), and 2. anumāna 比量 (inference), rejecting [...]:
View Full Entry 陳那
[...] (artha-kriyā). and inference 比量. Corresponding to these we [...] with inference for oneself (自比量 sva-artha-anumāṇa). This is [...] deals with inference for other (他比量 para-artha-anumāṇa), the [...]:
View Full Entry 集量論
[...] 現量 or inference 比量, but which is in fact a [...]:
View Full Entry 非量
[...]. anumāna-viruddha) 比量相違 fallacy where the proposition [...]:
View Full Entry 宗九過
[...]-viruddha) See 比量相違. [...]:
View Full Entry 比量相違過
[...]. Also written as 比量相違過. This is a fallacy that [...]:
View Full Entry 比量相違