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Headword matches for 涅槃:
ALSO IN: 一向作意趣向涅槃愚癡   一路涅槃   一路涅槃門   一路涅槃门   三涅槃   三涅槃門   三涅槃门   三种涅槃   三種涅槃   上流般涅槃   下乘涅槃障   不住涅槃   不入涅槃   不涅槃   不般涅槃   不般涅槃法   不般涅槃法相   世間涅槃平等   世间涅槃平等   中般涅槃   乃至涅槃   二涅槃   二种涅槃   二種涅槃   令入涅槃   令入涅槃城   令般涅槃   住涅槃   佛临涅槃略诫经   佛临涅槃记法住经   佛垂般涅槃略說教誡經   佛垂般涅槃略说教诫经   佛涅槃   佛涅槃上堂   佛臨涅槃略誡經   佛臨涅槃記法住經   入大涅槃   入於涅槃   入无余涅槃   入涅槃   入無餘涅槃   入般涅槃   入般涅槃之辰   北本大般涅槃經   北本大般涅槃经   北本涅槃經   北本涅槃经   南本涅槃經   南本涅槃经   四涅槃   四涅槃体   四涅槃體   四种涅槃   四種涅槃   圣道涅槃   大乘所得涅槃   大乘涅槃經   大乘涅槃经   大涅槃   大涅槃經   大涅槃經後譯荼毘分   大涅槃经   大涅槃经后译荼毘分   大涅槃经後译荼毘分   大般涅槃   大般涅槃疏   大般涅槃經   大般涅槃經後分   大般涅槃經義疏   大般涅槃經荼毘分   大般涅槃經集解   大般涅槃经   大般涅槃经义疏   大般涅槃经后分   大般涅槃经後分   大般涅槃经荼毘分   大般涅槃经集解   如涅槃   安隐涅槃   安隱涅槃   寂静涅槃   寂靜涅槃   少分涅槃   差別涅槃   已入涅槃   已涅槃   已般涅槃   彼分涅槃   得涅槃   得涅槃者   得般涅槃   性淨涅槃   性自性非性涅槃   我涅槃后   我涅槃後   提婆菩萨释楞伽经中外道小乘涅槃论   提婆菩薩釋楞伽經中外道小乘涅槃論   摩訶般涅槃   摩訶般涅槃那   摩诃般涅槃   摩诃般涅槃那   方便现涅槃   方便現涅槃   於下乘般涅槃障   於带来世得涅槃意乐   於当来世得涅槃意乐   於现法得涅槃意乐   於現法得涅槃意樂   於當來世得涅槃意樂   无上大涅槃   无上安隐涅槃   无上涅槃   无为涅槃   无住处涅槃   无住涅槃   无余依涅槃   无余依涅槃界   无余依般涅槃   无余依般涅槃界   无余涅槃   无余涅槃界   无余涅槃界位   无余究竟涅槃   无依涅槃   无涅槃   无涅槃性   无涅槃法   无般涅槃法   无行般涅槃   最上涅槃   有为涅槃   有余依涅槃   有余依涅槃界   有余涅槃   有爲涅槃   有般涅槃法者   有行般涅槃   有餘依涅槃   有餘依涅槃界   有餘涅槃   未涅槃   本來涅槃   本來自性淸淨涅槃   本來般涅槃   本来涅槃   本来自性淸淨涅槃   本来般涅槃   正法眼藏涅槃妙心   此分涅槃   毕竟无般涅槃法   永尽究竟涅槃   永盡究竟涅槃   求涅槃   法华涅槃时   法華涅槃時   涅槃上堂   涅槃乐   涅槃会   涅槃体   涅槃佛   涅槃像   涅槃僧   涅槃八味   涅槃分   涅槃功德   涅槃印   涅槃卽是空   涅槃叠那   涅槃台   涅槃四德   涅槃因   涅槃图   涅槃圖   涅槃圣   涅槃城   涅槃堂   涅槃处   涅槃头   涅槃妙心   涅槃宗   涅槃宗要   涅槃宮   涅槃寂滅   涅槃寂灭   涅槃寂静   涅槃寂静印   涅槃寂靜   涅槃寂靜印   涅槃山   涅槃岸   涅槃已   涅槃常   涅槃常乐   涅槃常樂   涅槃忌   涅槃性   涅槃想   涅槃时   涅槃時   涅槃智   涅槃會   涅槃月日   涅槃果   涅槃樂   涅槃永寂   涅槃法   涅槃洲   涅槃界   涅槃疊那   涅槃相   涅槃經   涅槃經宗要   涅槃經後分   涅槃經本有今無偈論   涅槃經疏   涅槃經義記   涅槃經集解   涅槃縛   涅槃经   涅槃经义记   涅槃经后分   涅槃经宗要   涅槃经後分   涅槃经本有今无偈论   涅槃经疏   涅槃经集解   涅槃缚   涅槃聖   涅槃臺   涅槃色   涅槃菩提   涅槃處   涅槃記   涅槃记   涅槃路   涅槃道   涅槃那   涅槃門   涅槃门   涅槃际   涅槃際   涅槃頭   涅槃風   涅槃风   涅槃食   涅槃體   無上大涅槃   無上安隱涅槃   無上涅槃   無住涅槃   無住處涅槃   無依涅槃   無涅槃   無涅槃性   無涅槃法   無爲涅槃   無般涅槃法   無行般涅槃   無餘依涅槃   無餘依涅槃界   無餘依般涅槃   無餘依般涅槃界   無餘涅槃   無餘涅槃界   無餘涅槃界位   無餘究竟涅槃   现世涅槃   现法得涅槃   现般涅槃   現世涅槃   現法得涅槃   現般涅槃   生死与涅槃   生死卽涅槃   生死涅槃   生死涅槃一向背趣   生死涅槃因果   生死涅槃无二无別   生死涅槃無二無別   生死涅槃犹如昨梦   生死涅槃猶如昨夢   生死與涅槃   生般涅槃   畢竟無般涅槃法   眞涅槃   示现涅槃   示現涅槃   种种相性非性涅槃   種種相性非性涅槃   究竟涅槃   空卽是涅槃   聖道涅槃   能般涅槃   能證涅槃   能证涅槃   自性涅槃   自性淸淨涅槃   自相自性非性覺涅槃   自相自性非性觉涅槃   般涅槃   般涅槃法   般涅槃法者   般涅槃者   般涅槃那   般若波罗蜜出大涅槃   般若波羅蜜出大涅槃   色无色天计涅槃外道   色無色天計涅槃外道   菩提涅槃   行至涅槃   行般涅槃   諸陰自共相相續流注斷涅槃   證得涅槃   證涅槃   证得涅槃   证涅槃   诸阴自共相相续流注断涅槃   趣向涅槃   趣涅槃  

Entry body matches for 涅槃 (涅槃圖)

[...], 阿含, 方等, 般若, 法華, 涅槃 the last two being the [...]:
View Full Entry 一代五時佛法
[...] 無我, or nirvana 涅槃 (三法印 [...]:
View Full Entry 一印
[...] 菩提, 2) extinction 涅槃, 3) thusness 眞如, 4) Buddha [...]:
View Full Entry 七常住果
[...] 成道, and nirvana 涅槃. [...]:
View Full Entry 三佛忌
[...] 無我, and nirvana 涅槃. Lacking these, a teaching [...]:
View Full Entry 三印
[...]) 三論, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃, Dilun 地論, Pure Land [...]:
View Full Entry 三國佛法傳通緣起
[...] state of nirvana 涅槃, in which the mind is [...]:
View Full Entry 不生
[...] into nirvāṇa 涅槃). [...]:
View Full Entry 二祖三佛忌
[...] (mokṣa 解脫, nirvana 涅槃) from this world of [...]:
View Full Entry 佛
[...] of Śākyamuni. See 涅槃. [...]:
View Full Entry 佛涅槃
[...] enter into nirvana 涅槃. The goal of the path [...]:
View Full Entry 入寂
[...] 流息諦, or nirvana 涅槃. the truth of defilement [...]:
View Full Entry 八諦
[...] world; nirvana 涅槃. 瑜伽論略纂 T 1829.43.160b24 [...]:
View Full Entry 出世果
[...] Truths 四諦, nirvana 涅槃, etc. (Skt. lokôttara [...]:
View Full Entry 出世法
[...] dharma, nirvana 涅槃 (Skt. paramârtha-dharma [...]:
View Full Entry 勝義法
[...] 小乘 nirvāṇa 涅槃, which is just a temporary resting [...]:
View Full Entry 化城喩
[...] aspects of bodhi 菩提 and nirvana 涅槃. In Yogâcāra, this stage can [...] and bodhi. In this case, nirvana 涅槃 can be understood to refer [...]:
View Full Entry 唯識修道五位
[...] to nirvana 涅槃. (Skt. śānta [...]:
View Full Entry 善寂
[...] 最極安穩 of nirvana 涅槃 that extinguishes the suffering of sentient beings. Also referred to as the wholesomeness of ultimate reality 眞實善, true liberation 眞解脫, and nirvana 涅槃. Wholesome dharmas of oneʼs [...]:
View Full Entry 四種善
[...] of parinirvāṇa 般涅槃, 涅槃; the perfection of all [...]:
View Full Entry 圓寂
[...] 佛性, the one vehicle 一乘, nirvana 涅槃, the two kinds of cognition [...] Ornament Sutra 華嚴經, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, Śrīmālā-sūtra 勝鬘經, [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘玄論
[...] by Kumārajīva as 涅槃 法華經 [...]:
View Full Entry 寂滅度
[...] 實性, dharmakāya 法身, nirvana 涅槃, unconditioned 無爲, and so [...] 無常, no-self 無我, and nirvana 涅槃), Mahāyāna added the fourth [...]:
View Full Entry 實相
[...] 無常, and nirvana 涅槃. 大智度論 T 1509.25.361a12 [...]:
View Full Entry 寶印三昧
[...] for nirvana 涅槃. 百丈淸規 T [...]:
View Full Entry 寶明空海
[...] known as nirvana 涅槃. The Kukkuṭika 雞胤部 also [...]:
View Full Entry 小乘二十部
[...] of nirvana 涅槃. This is also a connotation [...]:
View Full Entry 彼岸
[...] attaining nirvana 涅槃 by means of oneʼs own [...]:
View Full Entry 戒定慧解脫解脫知見
[...] cause for nirvana 涅槃 and rebirth in heaven [...]:
View Full Entry 摩登伽經
[...]) See 涅槃, the great complete nirvana, final [...]:
View Full Entry 摩訶般涅槃那
[...]) See 涅槃, the great complete nirvana, final [...]:
View Full Entry 摩訶般湼槃那
[...] for nirvana 涅槃. 瑜伽論 T 1579.30.292a19, 成唯識論 [...]:
View Full Entry 擇滅
[...] (nirvāṇa 涅槃). (Tib. rig pa dang rnam par grol [...]:
View Full Entry 明脫
[...]—nirvana 涅槃. 摩訶止觀 T 1911 [...]:
View Full Entry 智斷
[...] 梵行 to nirvana 涅槃. For example, Jizang 吉藏 [...]:
View Full Entry 梵行
[...] transliterated as 涅槃. Also rendered as 泥丸 [...]:
View Full Entry 泥洹
[...] (Skt. nirvāṇa) See 涅槃 [...]:
View Full Entry 泥畔
[...] the Sanskrit. See 涅槃. 湼 Black mud at the bottom [...]:
View Full Entry 涅
[...] nirvana See 涅槃. 四教儀註 [...]:
View Full Entry 涅柈
[...]-ego 無我, nirvana 涅槃 (or 寂滅). Also written 涅槃寂靜印 [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃印
[...] 元曉; also known by the title 涅槃經宗要. A comprehensive [...] commentary on the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, which, in addition to [...] that the connotations of nirvana 涅槃 and Buddha Nature 佛性 are [...] parts of the section on nirvana 涅槃門 and the section on Buddha [...] of nirvāṇa of purity in nature 性淨涅槃 and the nirvāṇa of the [...] destruction (of attachments) 方便壞涅槃; nirvana with remainder 有餘 [...] 涅槃 ; nirvana with remainder 有餘涅槃 and nirvana without [...] and nirvana without remainder 無餘涅槃. This section also includes [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃宗要
[...] extinction. See 涅槃. 翻譯名義集 [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃那
[...] nirvāṇa See 涅槃. [...]:
View Full Entry 湼槃
[...]—thus, nirvāṇa 涅槃. The noble truth of cessation [...]:
View Full Entry 滅
[...] extinction nirvāṇa 涅槃 as the result of extinction [...]:
View Full Entry 滅果
[...] 阿羅漢, or nirvana 涅槃. The condition of cessation [...]:
View Full Entry 無生
[...] nirvana 涅槃 in three fascicles which was forwarded [...]:
View Full Entry 無行
[...] for nirvana 涅槃, tathatā 眞如, the middle path [...]:
View Full Entry 第一義諦
[...] remainder 無餘涅槃 as distinguished from that of nirvana with remainder 有餘涅槃. See 涅槃. 法華經 T 262.9.35a08 (Skt. pariṇirvāṇa [...]:
View Full Entry 般涅槃
[...] to nirvana 涅槃, attainable by adherents of [...]:
View Full Entry 菩提
[...] 牢固 and nirvana 涅槃 is the final destination [...]:
View Full Entry 諸法本經
[...] and his nirvana 涅槃, and the establishment [...]:
View Full Entry 釋譜詳節
[...] Edition of the Nirvana Sutra 北本涅槃經, translated into Chinese as [...] to the eternal aspect of nirvana 涅槃. The Buddha, aware of his [...] a mistaken view of non-Buddhists. 涅槃經 T 374.12.592c2 [...]:
View Full Entry 闍提首那
[...] result in nirvana 涅槃, while not making anything [...]:
View Full Entry 阿惟越致
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃, and on the Daśabhūmika [...]:
View Full Entry 隋文帝
[...] of nirvana 涅槃 by manifesting the original [...]:
View Full Entry 顯得
[...].)Niepan yi shu 涅槃義疏 (20 fasc.)Renwang lüe [...]:
View Full Entry 吉藏
[...] by Kumārajīva as 涅槃之城 [...]:
View Full Entry 平等城
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃會 [...]:
View Full Entry 五十二種供物
[...] nirvāṇa assembly 涅槃會 on the 15th day of the [...]:
View Full Entry 佛涅槃上堂
[...] nirvana (nehan'e 涅槃會). It consists of Nehan kōshiki 涅槃講式, Jūroku rakan kōshiki [...]:
View Full Entry 四座講式
[...] nirvana assembly 涅槃會. [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃上堂
[...]. Also written 涅槃會. [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃忌
[...] nirvana assembly 涅槃會. In his commentary on [...]:
View Full Entry 釋迦牟尼
[...] 涅槃佛. Also written 涅槃圖, 臥佛像, 睡佛像, and 寢釋迦. 中天竺舍衛國祇洹寺圖經 [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃像
[...] nirvana buddha 涅槃佛. (華嚴經 [...]:
View Full Entry 變化佛
[...] dying buddha See 涅槃像. [...]:
View Full Entry 寢釋迦
[...] of Buddha; also 涅槃像 the sleeping Buddha, i [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃佛
[...] dying buddha. See 涅槃像 [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃圖
[...] buddha image See 涅槃像. [...]:
View Full Entry 睡佛像
[...] dying Buddha. See 涅槃像 [...]:
View Full Entry 臥佛像
[...] written as 臥佛像 and 涅槃像 [...]:
View Full Entry 臥像
[...] inner garment. See 涅槃僧 [...]:
View Full Entry 泥洹僧
[...], a skirt. See 涅槃僧. Also 泥婆娑; 泥伐散娜; 涅般僧. 西域記 [...]:
View Full Entry 泥縛些那
[...] flavors of nirvana 涅槃八味 [...]:
View Full Entry 虛通
[...] of nirvana See 涅槃印. [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃寂靜印
[...] nirvâṇam) 涅槃宗要 T 1769.38.241c23 Coupled with the phrase 涅槃卽是空. [...]:
View Full Entry 空卽是涅槃
[...]. Also called 涅槃臺. [...]:
View Full Entry 化壇
[...] nirvāṇa hall 涅槃堂. 碧巖錄 T 2003.48.198a18 The [...]:
View Full Entry 延壽堂
[...] hall (sick-room) 涅槃堂 of a Chan/Seon/Zen. 曆代法寶記 [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃頭
[...] retinue; 涅槃妙 his nirvāṇa; 壽命妙 his (eternal [...]:
View Full Entry 十妙
[...] the true dharma. 涅槃妙心 - The subtle mind of [...]:
View Full Entry 八句義
[...] mind of nirvana 涅槃妙心, which I pass on to Mahākāśyapa [...]:
View Full Entry 金波羅華
[...] of reality 眞宗 (Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經); the teaching of the [...] the Tathāgata) 常住教 (Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. The Huayan scheme, as [...] of Seon 九山: the Nirvana school 涅槃宗, based on the teachings of [...] teachings of the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. the Southern Mountain [...]:
View Full Entry 五教
[...] Land 淨土宗, Nirvana Sutra studies 涅槃宗, Lotus Sutra studies, [...] of Faith 大乘起信論, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, and Vajrasamādhi Sūtra [...] Essentials of the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃宗要 (1 fasc.; HBJ 1.524-546; T [...] Nirvana Sutra Yeolbangyeong so 涅槃經疏 5 fasc. Dae yeolbangyeong [...] fasc. Dae yeolbangyeong jong-yo 大涅槃經宗要 2 fasc. (extant) Huayan [...]:
View Full Entry 元曉
[...]. Nirvāṇa school 涅槃宗, based upon the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經 translated by Dharmarakṣa [...]:
View Full Entry 十三宗
[...][-Sūtra] school 涅槃宗. [...]:
View Full Entry 始興宗
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. He was also the founder of Nirvāṇa school 涅槃宗 in Korea. During the [...]:
View Full Entry 新元寺
[...] the Nirvana school 涅槃宗, that associated with [...]:
View Full Entry 舊宗
[...] Huiyuan 慧遠. Dabanniepan jing 大般涅槃經 T 7, translated by Faxian [...] ji ji). The Dabanniepan jing 大般涅槃經, T 374.12.365c-603c; 40 [...] called the Northern Edition 北本涅槃經. See below for the table of [...] Taishō canon. Da banniepan jing 大般涅槃經 (same title as above), 36 [...] is the Dabanniepanjing ji jie 大般涅槃經集解 T 1763, compiled in 509 [...] which form a dedicated section 涅槃部 in the Chinese canon. In [...] of the Mahāparinirvāṇa sūtra, 大般涅槃經後分, T 377). Even during [...] lüe shuo jiao jie jing 佛垂般涅槃略說教誡經 T 389. Commonly known [...] for T 374 is as follows: 壽命品 大般涅槃經金剛身品 大般 涅槃 經名字功德品 如來性品 [...] follows: 壽命品 大般 涅槃 經金剛身品 大般涅槃經名字功德品 如來性品 大般 涅槃 [...] 經金剛身品 大般 涅槃 經名字功德品 如來性品 大般涅槃經一切大衆所問品 現病品 大般 涅槃 經聖行品 [...] 如來性品 大般 涅槃 經一切大衆所問品 現病品 大般涅槃經聖行品 梵行品 大般 涅槃 經嬰兒行品 [...] 現病品 大般 涅槃 經聖行品 梵行品 大般涅槃經嬰兒行品 光明遍照高貴德王菩薩品 師子吼菩薩品 [...] for T 375 is as follows: 序品 純陀品 大般涅槃經哀歎品 長壽品 大般 涅槃 經金剛身品 大般 [...] 序品 純陀品 大般 涅槃 經哀歎品 長壽品 大般涅槃經金剛身品 大般 涅槃 經名字功德品 四相品 [...] 涅槃 經哀歎品 長壽品 大般 涅槃 經金剛身品 大般涅槃經名字功德品 四相品 四依品 邪正品 大般 涅槃 [...] 大般 涅槃 經名字功德品 四相品 四依品 邪正品 大般涅槃經四諦品 大般 涅槃 經四倒品 如來性品 大般 [...] 四相品 四依品 邪正品 大般 涅槃 經四諦品 大般涅槃經四倒品 如來性品 大般 涅槃 經文字品 大般 [...] 涅槃 經四諦品 大般 涅槃 經四倒品 如來性品 大般涅槃經文字品 大般 涅槃 經鳥喻品 月喻品 大般 [...] 涅槃 經四倒品 如來性品 大般 涅槃 經文字品 大般涅槃經鳥喻品 月喻品 大般 涅槃 經菩薩品 [...] 涅槃 經文字品 大般 涅槃 經鳥喻品 月喻品 大般涅槃經菩薩品 一切大衆所問品 大般 涅槃 經現病品 [...] 月喻品 大般 涅槃 經菩薩品 一切大衆所問品 大般涅槃經現病品 聖行品 梵行品 大般 涅槃 經嬰兒行品 [...] 一切大衆所問品 大般 涅槃 經現病品 聖行品 梵行品 大般涅槃經嬰兒行品 光明遍照高貴德王菩薩品 師子吼菩薩品 [...] Daban niepan jing qianhou 曇無讖與所譯大般涅槃經前後. Zhong Fa Hanxue [...] Kōgaku 布施浩岳. Nehanshū no kenkyū 涅槃宗の研究. 2 vols. Tokyo: Sōbun, [...] sozai ni tsuite no ichi kōsatsu 大乗涅槃経における說話の素材についての一考察. IBK 44 [...] gyō shoin no kyōten ni tsuite 大乗涅槃経所引の経典について. IBK 31 (1972): [...] 望月良晃. Daijō Nehangyō no kenkyū 大乗涅槃経の研究. Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 1988. [...] daban niepan jing yanjiu 大乘大般涅槃經硏究. Taibei: Wenjin chubanshe [...] kyōten no kenkyū hōhō shiron 涅槃経の研究―大乗経典の研究方法試論. Tokyo: [...] Zōbun wayaku Daijō Nehangyō 蔵文和訳大乗涅槃経. Tokyo: Sankibō busshorin, [...] 「本有今無」偈を如何なる空理解のレヴェルで論じているのか:四十巻本『大涅槃経』成立論との関連における一考察 [English [...] niepan jing de chuanyiding 略論大乘《大般涅槃經》的傳譯定. Chung-Hwa Buddhist [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃經
[...], master, free. (涅槃宗要: [...]:
View Full Entry 我德
[...] Nirvana Sutra See 涅槃宗要 [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃經宗要
[...] a thing as nirvana 涅槃寂滅. Also written 四法本末 [...]:
View Full Entry 四法印
[...] perfect quiescence 涅槃寂靜. 法華經 T 262.9.15b7 [...]:
View Full Entry 三法印
[...]) quiescent nirvana 涅槃寂靜 [...]:
View Full Entry 五音
[...]) quiescent nirvana 涅槃寂靜. All the rest of the [...]:
View Full Entry 多聞部
[...]). Also written as 涅槃寂靜 [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃寂滅
[...]. Also written 涅槃忌, 常樂會, 佛忌.This assembly is [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃會
[...] Having No Name 涅槃無名論. [...]:
View Full Entry 九折十演
[...] Niepan wuming lun 涅槃無名論). He also composed [...]:
View Full Entry 僧肇
[...](Niepan wu ming lun 涅槃無名論). The text also includes [...]:
View Full Entry 肇論
[...] defines him as the nirvana wisdom 涅槃智 of the Tathāgata, hence the [...] 無住處, just as mahā-parinirvāṇa 大般涅槃 is. Corresponds to [...]:
View Full Entry 天鼓雷音如來
[...] between 法住智 and 涅槃智. The locus classicus for [...]:
View Full Entry 法住
[...] the best joy 涅槃第一樂. 大莊嚴論經 [...]:
View Full Entry 四第一偈
[...] the Nirvāṇa Sutra 涅槃經. In Huayan 華嚴 and Tiantai [...]:
View Full Entry 一乘
[...]. the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經; they are known as [...]:
View Full Entry 一代三段
[...] the Nirvāṇa Sutra 涅槃經, all sentient beings [...]:
View Full Entry 一切衆生
[...], for example 涅槃經. (3) 單譬立題: titles designated [...]:
View Full Entry 七種立題
[...]-sūtra: 涅槃經The body of the Buddha is nothing [...]:
View Full Entry 三德
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 三照
[...]-sūtra 涅槃經.) [...]:
View Full Entry 不能語
[...] 法華 and Nirvāṇa 涅槃經 Sutras, for the Mahāyāna Perfect Teaching 圓教. See also 五時教, and 涅槃經 14. cinq saveurs le lait [...]:
View Full Entry 五味
[...] eternal teaching (Nirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經, etc.) 常住教. This is the [...] eternal teaching (Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 etc.) 常住教 Zhiyi altered the [...] The Lotus and Nirvāṇa period 法華涅槃時. The Buddha makes clear [...]:
View Full Entry 五時
[...] in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經: the three disciplines 聖行; [...] for those in need of help 病行. 涅槃經 T 374.12.472a7 (Skt. [...]:
View Full Entry 五行
[...] and Nirvana Sutras 涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 五部大乘經
[...] sūtra 涅槃經. He is also said to have contributed [...]:
View Full Entry 僧嵩
[...]-mahāsūtra 涅槃經 (T 374) (a passage precisely [...]:
View Full Entry 僧稠
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, after which he entered [...]:
View Full Entry 僧範
[...] as space. See 涅槃經 23. [...]:
View Full Entry 八大在我
[...] described in the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經: practice of fasting 自餓 [...] 牛狗 (牛狗外道) Also written as 六苦行外道. 涅槃經 T 374.12.0406a17 [...]:
View Full Entry 六種苦行外道
[...] pan niepan jing 大般涅槃經, also called 北本大般涅槃經. See 涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 北本涅槃經
[...] formal title of 大般涅槃經, done by Jñānabhadra 慧嚴, Huiguan 慧觀, et. al. See Niepan jing 涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 南本涅槃經
[...], the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, etc. After the passing [...]:
View Full Entry 同泰寺
[...] According to the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, he was a son of the Buddha [...] translated into Chinese as 善宿. 涅槃經 T 374.12.560b13; 永嘉證道歌 T [...]:
View Full Entry 善星
[...] the Buddha. In the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, the messenger of the [...] 阿那含; (4) arhat 阿羅漢. [四向四果]. 涅槃經 T 374.12.0396c20 Also, a [...]:
View Full Entry 四依
[...] the Buddha. In the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, the messenger of the [...] 阿那含; (4) arhat 阿羅漢. [四向四果]. 涅槃經 T 374.12.0396c20 Also, a [...]:
View Full Entry 四依菩薩
[...] 眞宗 (Nirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經, Avataṃsaka-sūtra 華嚴經 [...]:
View Full Entry 四宗教
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, are fully explained [...]:
View Full Entry 四種樂
[...], the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 and Huayan 華嚴. He also [...]:
View Full Entry 圓照
[...] Nirvana Sutra See 涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘涅槃經
[...]) Mahāparinirvāṇa, 涅槃經. Another list of Mahāyāna sūtras is 般若經; 寶積經; 大集經; 華嚴經 and 涅槃經. The sūtras of Hīnayāna [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘經
[...] 寶積經, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘經典
[...] the Nirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經. Also known by the titles [...]:
View Full Entry 大方等無想經
[...] 法華經 and Nirvana 涅槃經 Sutras. The Tathāgata [...]:
View Full Entry 大法鼓經
[...] niepan jing. See 涅槃經. [...]:
View Full Entry 大涅槃經
[...] Nirvana Sutra. See 涅槃經. Also known by the [...]:
View Full Entry 大般泥洹經
[...] by Huiyan 慧嚴. See 涅槃經 for summary of all versions [...]:
View Full Entry 大般涅槃經
[...] versions of the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 that are centered on [...] It is also known by the titles 大般涅槃經荼毘分, 大 涅槃 經後譯荼毘分, 涅槃 [...] by the titles 大般 涅槃 經荼毘分, 大涅槃經後譯荼毘分, 涅槃 經後分, 闍維分, [...] 涅槃 經荼毘分, 大 涅槃 經後譯荼毘分, 涅槃經後分, 闍維分, and 後分. The Foguang [...]:
View Full Entry 大般涅槃經後分
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 (Skt. *divya-carya) [...]:
View Full Entry 天行
[...] the Nirvāṇa sūtra 涅槃經 9 as the abode of all [...]:
View Full Entry 女人
[...]-sūtra 涅槃經. See 五行. [...]:
View Full Entry 嬰兒行
[...] the Nirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經. Based on the Amitāyur [...]:
View Full Entry 安樂集
[...] 般若經, and Nirvana 涅槃經 sutras in ink. He also [...]:
View Full Entry 宗曉
[...] extensively on the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, Satyasiddhi-śāstra 成實論, [...] he completed his Niepanjing jijie 涅槃經集解, Wutai wrote the preface. [...]:
View Full Entry 寶亮
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 常住
[...] the Nirvāṇa Sutra 涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 常住教
[...] the Nirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經 (Skt. abhirata, nitya [...]:
View Full Entry 常樂
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. These are taught as [...]:
View Full Entry 常樂我淨
[...] the Nirvāṇa Sutra 涅槃經, Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment [...]:
View Full Entry 心性
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. According to Tiantai [...]:
View Full Entry 扶律談常
[...] name for the 涅槃經 Nirvana Sutra, because according [...]:
View Full Entry 扶疏
[...] the Nirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經, which is said to have [...]:
View Full Entry 捃拾教
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 斷肉
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 [...]:
View Full Entry 普德
[...] 十地論, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 and so forth. Later [...]:
View Full Entry 智儼
[...] 法華經, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 and so forth teach [...]:
View Full Entry 會一立五
[...] its sound. In the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, it is used as a metaphor [...] lengthy discussion of this term. 涅槃經 T 374.12.420a8 [...]:
View Full Entry 毒鼓
[...] and Nirvana Sutras 涅槃經. He also became versed [...]:
View Full Entry 永嘉玄覺
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 where a man loses his [...]:
View Full Entry 油斷
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 at the age of nine, and entered the saṃgha at twelve, later being fully ordained by Huiguang 慧光. He became known for his expertise on the Shidijing lun 十地經論, Laṅkâvatāra-sūtra 楞伽經, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 and so forth, all of [...]:
View Full Entry 法上
[...]-sūtra 涅槃經 on the last day and night of his [...]:
View Full Entry 法華涅槃時
[...] the Nirvāṇa Sutra 涅槃經, the Mahāyānâbhisamaya [...]:
View Full Entry 法身無相
[...]-sūtra 涅槃經 (T 376; trans. 416–418, with Buddhabhadra [...]:
View Full Entry 法顯
[...]-sūtra. See 涅槃經. [...]:
View Full Entry 泥涅經
[...] sūtra 涅槃經, advocated such doctrines as the [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃宗
[...] 法華經, Niepan jing 涅槃經, Da zhidu lun 大智度論, along [...]:
View Full Entry 淨名玄論
[...] the Nirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經, Daśabhūmikasūtra-śāstra [...]:
View Full Entry 淨影寺
[...] 起信論, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. After obtaining a [...]:
View Full Entry 澄觀
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, and is said to have [...]:
View Full Entry 牛角娑羅林
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, he became known as [...]:
View Full Entry 玄會
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. After arriving to Miaoxisi [...]:
View Full Entry 玄朗
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 and Avataṃsaka Sutra [...]:
View Full Entry 眞實宗
[...] Sutra 涅槃經 dating to 778. Stone sutras are [...]:
View Full Entry 石經
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, he lectures on the [...]:
View Full Entry 耆婆
[...]-sūtra 涅槃經 where the Buddha likens buddha-nature to pure ghee (Skt. sarpirmaṇḍa) 雪山有草名曰肥膩。牛若食者純得醍醐。 證道歌; 涅槃經 T 374.12.411a20 Hirakawa gives the [...]:
View Full Entry 肥膩
[...] Nirvana Sutra, see 涅槃經. Although the era of [...]:
View Full Entry 般泥洹經
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. Cf. 諸惡莫作衆善奉行. 法華玄義 [...]:
View Full Entry 衆善奉行
[...], and Nirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經 all made their way [...]:
View Full Entry 迦濕彌羅國
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經. Kāśyapa-Mātaṅga 迦葉摩騰 [...]:
View Full Entry 迦葉
[...] extant in the 大般涅槃經集解 T 1763 (it is the oldest [...] version of the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經 into Chinese, Daosheng [...] 反則悟理, X577.27.10b11; 乖理成縛。得理則涅槃 T 1763.37.533a01–02; 眞理自然... [...]:
View Full Entry 道生
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, Daochuo was deeply [...]:
View Full Entry 道綽
[...] 維摩經, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, Suvarṇaprabhāsa-sūtra [...]:
View Full Entry 遵式
[...] 賢愚經, Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, Faju jing 法句經, the [...]:
View Full Entry 釋氏源流
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經, Daśabhūmika-sūtra 十地經論 [...]:
View Full Entry 靖嵩
[...]-sūtra 涅槃經 for the doctrine that all beings [...]:
View Full Entry 額珠
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經—the four great scriptures [...]:
View Full Entry 慧進
[...] you jin wu jie lun 涅槃經本有今無偈論 T 1528 Yijiao [...]:
View Full Entry 眞諦
[...], Niepanjing shu 涅槃經疏, Weimojing shu 維摩經疏, [...]:
View Full Entry 慧光
[...] the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃經疏. He later did exegetical [...]:
View Full Entry 曇延
[...]. Also known as 大般涅槃經義疏, 大般涅槃疏, and 涅槃經集解. A compilation of commentaries on the Southern version of the Nirvana Sutra 南本涅槃經, comprising what is presently [...]:
View Full Entry 大般涅槃經集解
[...]) Abbreviated as 涅槃記. [...]:
View Full Entry 佛臨涅槃記法住經
[...] translation of the 涅槃論 [...]:
View Full Entry 達磨菩提
[...], Nehan kōshiki 涅槃講式, Shari kōshiki 舍利講式, Zazen [...]:
View Full Entry 明慧
[...] Buddhism. Also transliterated as 涅槃那; 泥日; 泥洹; 泥畔; translated as [...] with entry into parinirvāṇa 大般涅槃, or perfect bliss to follow. [...] It may be (a) with a remainder 有餘涅槃, i.e. the cause but not all [...] (b) without remainder 無餘涅槃, both cause and effect [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃
[...] of nirvana 涅槃際 and saṃsāra 生死際, which are [...]:
View Full Entry 二際