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Headword matches for 滅盡定:
ALSO IN: 入滅盡定   滅盡定位   滅盡定起  

Entry body matches for 滅盡定

[...] of extinction 滅盡定. See also 九有情居 and 九地 (Skt [...]:
View Full Entry 九次第定
[...] nirodha-samāpatti 滅盡定, experienced only by [...]:
View Full Entry 二無心定
[...] of total cessation 滅盡定. Thus, the latter type [...]:
View Full Entry 二障
[...]-ending meditation 滅盡定 (nirodha-samāpatti). [...]:
View Full Entry 五位無心
[...] total annihilation 滅盡定. One of the nine kinds [...]:
View Full Entry 倶解脫
[...] of mental activity 滅盡定. The mental functions [...]:
View Full Entry 六無爲
[...] the concentration of extinction 滅盡定 (Skt. nirodha-samāpatti), [...] the concentration of extinction 滅盡定 the effects of [...]:
View Full Entry 心不相應行法
[...] of extinction 滅盡定. It is also one of the six [...]:
View Full Entry 想受滅
[...] and sensation; see 滅盡定 [...]:
View Full Entry 想受滅定
[...] in the form of 滅盡定 (Skt. nirodha-samāpatti [...]:
View Full Entry 滅受想定
[...] activity See 滅盡定 (Skt. nirodha-samāpatti, nirodha [...]:
View Full Entry 滅定
[...] of thought Same as 滅盡定 (Skt. nirodha-samāpatti [...]:
View Full Entry 滅心定
[...] of cessation See 滅盡定 (Skt. nirodha-samāpatti [...]:
View Full Entry 滅正受
[...] concentration 滅盡定. A meditative state practiced [...]:
View Full Entry 滅盡
[...] of thought See 滅盡定. 對法論 [...]:
View Full Entry 滅盡三摩鉢底
[...] of cessation See 滅盡定. 雜阿含經 [...]:
View Full Entry 滅盡三昧
[...] of cessation 滅盡定. Also written 無心三昧. Distinguished [...]:
View Full Entry 無心定
[...], nirodha-samāpatti 滅盡定 is only attained by [...]:
View Full Entry 無想定
[...] thought, as in 滅盡定 (Skt. āsaṃjñika). 成唯識論 T [...]:
View Full Entry 無想果
[...] total extinction 滅盡定. 法華經 [...]:
View Full Entry 無緣三昧
[...] of extinction (滅盡定), or conversely, come directly [...]:
View Full Entry 超越三昧
[...] of extinction 滅盡定, experiences the bliss of [...]:
View Full Entry 身證
[...] total extinction 滅盡定. If one practices these [...]:
View Full Entry 通明禪
[...] total annihilation 滅盡定—also written 定障. In [...]:
View Full Entry 解脫障
[...] thorough cessation 滅盡定位. the state of nirvana [...]:
View Full Entry 無心位
[...]. Abbreviation for 滅盡定起 [...]:
View Full Entry 定起