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Headword match for 無學位:

Entry body matches for 無學位

[...] applied practice 無學位 is divided into wisdom [...]:
View Full Entry 七證
[...] no more learning 無學位, or at Buddhahood. The [...]:
View Full Entry 五分法身
[...] no more learning (無學位) [...]:
View Full Entry 唯識修道五位
[...]. Also called 無學位, 無學果, 無學道, and 阿羅漢果. To cease [...]:
View Full Entry 無學
[...]. Also expressed as 無學位 and 無學地. See 無學 (Skt [...]:
View Full Entry 無學道
[...], equivalent to 無學位. The fourth of ten kinds [...]:
View Full Entry 究竟果
[...] of training 無學位. 觀心覺夢鈔 [...]:
View Full Entry 見修無學