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Headword matches for 無想定:
ALSO IN: 入無想定   無想定位  

Entry body matches for 無想定

[...] asaṃjñi-samāpatti 無想定, which can be attained [...]:
View Full Entry 二無心定
[...]-free meditation 無想定 (asaṃjñi-samāpatti); birth [...]:
View Full Entry 五位無心
[...][concentration] See 無想定 (Skt. āsaṃjñika).瑜伽論 [...]:
View Full Entry 入無想
[...] of the non-thought concentration 無想定 (Skt. asaṃjñi-samāpatti), [...] of no conceptualization 無想定 the concentration of [...]:
View Full Entry 心不相應行法
[...] concentration 無想定 and concentration without [...]:
View Full Entry 有心地
[...] concentration 無想定 (asaṃjñī-samāpatti), considered [...]:
View Full Entry 滅盡定
[...]-thought meditation 無想定 and the more thoroughgoing [...]:
View Full Entry 無心定
[...]-samāpatti) See 無想定. 大智度論 [...]:
View Full Entry 無心想定
[...]. Cf. 無想天 and 無想定 (Skt. asaṃjñā, *asaṃjñika [...]:
View Full Entry 無想
[...] samādhi-) Also 無想定. (Tib. rnam par thar pa [...]:
View Full Entry 無想三昧
[...] concentration 無想定 — the effect of thoughtlessness [...]:
View Full Entry 無想事
[...] concentration 無想定, which is rebirth in the [...]:
View Full Entry 無想報
[...] concentration 無想定, which is rebirth in the [...]:
View Full Entry 無想果
[...] without ideation 無想定 of the fourth dhyāna constitutes [...]:
View Full Entry 色無色天計涅槃外道
[...] concentration 無想定位. nonarising of perception [...]:
View Full Entry 無心位