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Headword match for 無量光佛:

Entry body matches for 無量光佛

[...] as Amitâbha Buddha 無量光佛 and Vairocana Buddha [...]:
View Full Entry 光
[...] as 無量光. See also 無量光佛.阿彌陀經 [...]:
View Full Entry 光明無量
[...] is immeasurable 無量光佛, boundless 無邊光佛, irresistible [...]:
View Full Entry 十二光佛
[...]. Equivalent to 無量光佛, 無量壽佛 [...]:
View Full Entry 無稱光佛
[...] Amitâbha/Amitâyus 無量光佛, [...]:
View Full Entry 無量光如來
[...] Immeasurable Light 無量光佛. In the two maṇḍalas [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽佛
[...] to Amitâbha 無量光佛 (the Buddha of Limitless Light [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽殿
[...] The Buddha of Limitless Light 無量光佛 or Amitâyus (the Buddha of [...] also his title of eternal life: 無量光佛 Buddha of boundless light; [...]:
View Full Entry 阿彌陀