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Headword match for 無量光天:

Entry body matches for 無量光天

[...] two heavens 少光天, 無量光天 of the second meditation [...]:
View Full Entry 七識住
[...] deva regions 少光天, 無量光天, and 光音天. Also 觀音 Avalokitêśvara [...]:
View Full Entry 三光
[...] two heavens 少光天, 無量光天 of the second meditation [...]:
View Full Entry 九有情居
[...] Immeasurable Light 無量光天, and this one (Skt. [...]:
View Full Entry 光音天
[...] of limitless light 無量光天 (Apramāṇâbha) and the [...]:
View Full Entry 四禪天
[...] to 無量水天, 阿波摩那天,無量光天. [...]:
View Full Entry 廅波摩那天
[...] or splendor. See 無量光天. (Skt. Amitâbha, amita [...]:
View Full Entry 無量光
[...] of Lesser Light; 無量光天 Apramāṇa-ābha, the Heaven [...]:
View Full Entry 色界十七天
[...] T 224.8.467b9 Also 無量光天 [...]:
View Full Entry 阿波摩那