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Headword matches for 無量壽如來:
ALSO IN: 大寶積經無量壽如來會   無量壽如來會  

Entry body matches for 無量壽如來

[...] Amitâyus Tathāgata 無量壽如來 and emanation body 化身 [...]:
View Full Entry 大威德明王
[...] 胎藏界. Also written 無量壽如來 (see this entry for a [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽佛
[...] Amitâyus Tathāgata 無量壽如來. Seed syllables: mo [...]:
View Full Entry 聖觀自在菩薩
[...] Amitâyus Tathāgata 無量壽如來 appears on the front [...]:
View Full Entry 觀世音
[...] Complete title for 無量壽如來會 [...]:
View Full Entry 大寶積經無量壽如來會
[...] shou rulai hui 無量壽如來會, contained as a section [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經
[...]; fully written as 無量壽如來根本陀羅尼 [...]:
View Full Entry 根本陀羅尼
[...] 阿閦如來念誦供養法 藥師如來念誦儀軌 無量壽如來觀行供養儀軌 金剛頂經觀自在王如來修行法 [...]:
View Full Entry 不空金剛