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Headword matches for 無量壽經:
ALSO IN: 兩卷無量壽經   兩卷無量壽經宗旨   兩卷無量壽經宗要   大乘無量壽經   大無量壽經   大無量壽經疏   小無量壽經   無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈   無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈婆藪槃頭菩薩造并註   無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈註   無量壽經優波提舍   無量壽經優波提舍經論   無量壽經優波提舍願生偈   無量壽經宗要   無量壽經疏   無量壽經義疏   無量壽經論   無量壽經論注   無量壽經述贊   無量壽經連義述文贊   觀無量壽經   觀無量壽經義疏  

Entry body matches for 無量壽經

[...] vows, see 無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 三十二相經願
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 三十行偈
[...] virtue 勸進行者.觀無量壽經 T 365.12.341c9-c12. The three (sources of) felicity. the Wuliang shou jing 無量壽經 has the felicity of: (a) filial [...]:
View Full Entry 三福
[...] its teaching: 無量壽經; 觀無量壽經; 阿彌陀經 [...]:
View Full Entry 三經一論
[...] in the Sutra of Immeasurable Life 無量壽經 who are reborn in the Pure [...] vow to be reborn in the Pure Land.無量壽經 T 360.12.272b16 [...]:
View Full Entry 三輩
[...] Pure Land, see 無量壽經. These three lowest grades [...]:
View Full Entry 下品
[...] salvation; see 無量壽經. 觀無量壽佛經疏 [...]:
View Full Entry 下輩觀
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經 i. e. the middle class [...]:
View Full Entry 中輩
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經. See also 十念. 無量壽經宗要 [...]:
View Full Entry 乃至十念
[...]-vyūha-sūtra 無量壽經. Only this path relies entirely [...]:
View Full Entry 二雙四重
[...] Muryōjukyō shaku 無量壽經釋 to explain the Sutra of Immeasurable Life 無量壽經: (1) 大意 the general meaning [...]:
View Full Entry 五意
[...] the three sutras 無量壽經, 觀無量壽經, and 阿彌陀經; 觀察 meditate [...]:
View Full Entry 五正行
[...]-sūtra 無量壽經 (T 360) translated by Faxian 法賢 in [...]:
View Full Entry 佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴經
[...] being the 無量壽經 (T 360). There are various theories [...]:
View Full Entry 佛說無量淸淨平等覺經
[...]. See also under 無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 佛說阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經
[...] Sukhāvatīvyūha 無量壽經 T 360 around 421. (Fujita [...]:
View Full Entry 佛陀跋陀羅
[...] (Larger Sukhāvatī) 無量壽經, Amitâbha Sūtra (Smaller Sukhāvatī) 阿彌陀經, and Sutra of the Meditation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經. There are many varieties [...]:
View Full Entry 來迎圖
[...] Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經, Jizang 吉藏 notes that [...]:
View Full Entry 倶生神
[...] shou jing. See 無量壽經. 兩卷無量壽經宗要 T [...]:
View Full Entry 兩卷無量壽經
[...] Wonhyo 元曉. Also referred to as 兩卷無量壽經宗旨 and 無量壽經 宗要. A [...] to as 兩卷 無量壽經 宗旨 and 無量壽經宗要. A commentary on the [...] commentary on the Wuliangshu jing 無量壽經 (T 360), which is intended [...] Life (Muryangsugyeong jong-yo) 無量壽經宗要Wonhyo: Selected [...]:
View Full Entry 兩卷無量壽經宗要
[...] of Limitless Life 無量壽經 (T 360). Also written [...]:
View Full Entry 兩卷經
[...] Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 化前方便
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經: the causal power of [...]:
View Full Entry 十三力
[...] of light. The 無量壽經 gives them as: the Buddha [...]:
View Full Entry 十二光佛
[...] thirteen others. (無量壽經) [...]:
View Full Entry 十四佛國往生
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經, the lifetime of the [...]:
View Full Entry 四十二劫
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經 which starts from T 360 [...]:
View Full Entry 四十八願
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經; 行法 the practice of the [...]:
View Full Entry 四法
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經; Sutra of the Meditation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經; Amitâbha-sūtra 阿彌陀經 [...]:
View Full Entry 四部經
[...] the title of the 無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 壽經
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 壽量品
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經. Translation by Faxian [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘無量壽莊嚴經
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經, Suvarṇaprabhāsa-sūtra [...]:
View Full Entry 大乘玄論
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經 as the joy of Paradise [...]:
View Full Entry 大事
[...] Buddha-nature; the 無量壽經 as the joy of Paradise [...]:
View Full Entry 大事因緣
[...]-sūtra 無量壽經 and the Sutra of the Meditation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經 standing on either side 脇侍 of the [...]:
View Full Entry 大勢至菩薩
[...]. Tiantai takes the 無量壽經 as the major of the [...]:
View Full Entry 大本
[...] jing. See 無量壽經. (Skt. Sukhāvatī-vyūha, *Amitâbha [...]:
View Full Entry 大無量壽經
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經, so-called by the Pure [...]:
View Full Entry 大經
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經. He traveled throughout [...]:
View Full Entry 寶亮
[...] Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經, Puyao jing 普耀經, Za apitanxin [...]:
View Full Entry 寶雲
[...] Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 小本
[...] Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經 is accredited to him, [...]:
View Full Entry 康僧鎧
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經 T 360), including the [...]:
View Full Entry 曇摩蜜多
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經, teaching to believe [...]:
View Full Entry 正信念佛偈
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經, in an earlier age, at [...]:
View Full Entry 法藏菩薩
[...] appears in the Wuliang shou jing 無量壽經. Also expressed with 淨刹, in [...] jing (Sutra of Immeasurable Life) 無量壽經 where practitioners who [...]:
View Full Entry 淨土
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經, the Sutra of the Meditation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽經, and the Amitâbha-sūtra [...]:
View Full Entry 淨土三部經
[...] Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經, the Guan wuliangshou jing 觀無量壽經, the Emituo jing 阿彌陀經 [...]:
View Full Entry 淨土宗
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經 (Skt. śukla-vidarśanā [...]:
View Full Entry 淨觀
[...] Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經 (T 360), contained as [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽如來會
[...]. Abbreviated as 無量壽經述贊. A commentary of the nonextant translation of the Sutra of Immeasurable Life 無量壽經 by Dharmarakṣa 竺法護 of the [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經連義述文贊
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經. [...]:
View Full Entry 焰王光佛
[...] Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經 it is used in the sense [...]:
View Full Entry 神明
[...] Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經 Mie shifang ming jing [...]:
View Full Entry 竺法護
[...], Wuliangshou jing 無量壽經, and Fahua jing 法華經, [...]:
View Full Entry 群生
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經. Amitâbha is abbreviated [...]:
View Full Entry 阿彌陀
[...] Two Roll Sutra See 無量壽經 [...]:
View Full Entry 雙卷經
[...] of Limitless Life 無量壽經. 法華經 T 262.9.35a25 [鷲峯山 [...]:
View Full Entry 靈鷲山
[...] in the Wuliangshouguan jing 無量壽經 (Larger Pure Land Sutra, [...] is the Larger Pure Land Sutra 大無量壽經. Chapter 2: 顯淨土眞實行文類 (A [...]:
View Full Entry 顯淨土眞實教行證文類
[...] rendering of 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈 (Skt. Sukhāvatīvyūhôpadeśa [...]:
View Full Entry 往生論
[...] Vasubandhuʼs Sukhāvatīvyūhôpadeśa 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈 (known by the short [...] The full title of this text is 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈註. It is also known by [...] variant and abbreviated titles of 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈婆藪槃頭菩薩造并註, 無量壽經 [...] of 無量壽經 優婆提舍願生偈婆藪槃頭菩薩造并註, 無量壽經論注, 淨土論註, 論註, and 註論. 法華論疏 T [...]:
View Full Entry 往生論註
[...] rendering of 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈 (Skt. Sukhāvatīvyūhôpadeśa [...]:
View Full Entry 淨土論
[...] Limitless Life See 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈 [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經優波提舍
[...] yuansheng jie zhu 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈註 T 1819, known [...]:
View Full Entry 曇鸞
[...] sutrôpadeśa 無量壽經優波提舍. He is also considered [...]:
View Full Entry 世親
[...]-vyūhôpadeśa). See 無量壽經優波提舍 [...]:
View Full Entry 往生淨土論
[...] rendering of 無量壽經優波提舍 (Skt. Sukhāvatīvyūhôpadeśa [...]:
View Full Entry 淨土往生論
[...] rendering of 無量壽經優波提舍 (Skt. Sukhāvatīvyūhôpadeśa [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經優波提舍經論
[...] rendering of 無量壽經優波提舍 (Skt. Sukhāvatīvyūhôpadeśa [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經優波提舍願生偈
[...] rendering of 無量壽經優波提舍 (Skt. Sukhāvatīvyūhôpadeśa [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經論
[...] the Sutra of Immeasurable Life) 無量壽經論. The northern branch of the [...] ṭīkā) T 1523; 無量壽經優波提舍 *Sukhāvativyūhôpadeśa T [...]:
View Full Entry 菩提流支
[...] rendering of 無量壽經優波提舍 (Skt. Sukhāvatīvyūhôpadeśa [...]:
View Full Entry 願生偈
[...] titles of 無量壽經優波提舍經論, 無量壽經優波提舍願生偈, 無量壽經論, 淨土往生論, [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經卷 along with the buddhas [...]:
View Full Entry 世自在王佛
[...] of the Sutra of Immeasurable Life 無量壽經宗要 (1 fasc.; HBJ 1.553-562; T [...] Land Dae muryangsugyeong jong-yo 大無量壽經宗要 1 fasc. (extant) Dae [...] Dae muryangsugyeong sagi 大無量壽經私記 1 fasc. Amita gyeong so [...]:
View Full Entry 元曉
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經宗要, from T 1747.37.130a25 [...]:
View Full Entry 四智
[...] 淨土宗. Also known by the titles 大無量壽經 and 大經. This text explains [...] are the Wuliang shou jing yishu 無量壽經義疏, one each by Huiyuan 慧遠 [...] 吉藏, the Muryangsugyeong jong-yo 無量壽經宗要 by Wonhyo 元曉, and the [...] yeon uisul munchan 無量壽經連義述文贊 by Gyeongheung 璟興. [...] Life (Muryangsugyeong jong-yo) 無量壽經宗要Wonhyo: Selected [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經
[...] and so forth. 無量壽經宗要 T 1747 [...]:
View Full Entry 遠離求有
[...] Immeasurable Life 無量壽經宗要 T 1747, Wonhyo relies [...]:
View Full Entry 阿彌陀經疏
[...] su gyeongso 無量壽經疏 3 fasc. (nonextant) Amita [...]:
View Full Entry 圓測
[...] Life, entitled 無量壽經疏 (not extant). 摩訶止觀 T 1911 [...]:
View Full Entry 法位
[...] by the titles 無量壽經疏, 大無量壽經疏, 大經義疏, and 淨影大經疏. T 1746 [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經義疏
[...] jing yishu 無量壽經義疏. [...]:
View Full Entry 大無量壽經疏
[...] jing yishu 無量壽經義疏. [...]:
View Full Entry 大經義疏
[...] jing yishu 無量壽經義疏. [...]:
View Full Entry 淨影大經疏
[...] shou jing yishu 無量壽經義疏, Guan wuliangshou jing yishu 觀無量壽經義疏, and the Shengmanjing [...]:
View Full Entry 淨影慧遠
[...] jing yishu 無量壽經義疏. [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經疏
[...] sulchan See 無量壽經連義述文贊. [...]:
View Full Entry 無量壽經述贊