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Headword match for 無量義經:

Entry body matches for 無量義經

[...] agree. The 無量義經 has a different list. These [...]:
View Full Entry 三十二相
[...] Meanings 無量義經 and preface to the Lotus Sutra [...]:
View Full Entry 四種三段
[...] infinite meaning 無量義經; first introduced into [...]:
View Full Entry 大方等
[...] are also known as 無量義經 scriptures of measureless [...]:
View Full Entry 方廣
[...] the Wuliangyi jing 無量義經 in 481. His dates are [...]:
View Full Entry 曇摩伽陀耶舍
[...], Wuliangyi jing 無量義經, Laomu jing 老母經, Liuzhai [...]:
View Full Entry 求那跋陀羅
[...] the Wuliangyi jing 無量義經 (T 276), which serves [...]:
View Full Entry 法華三部經
[...] Meanings 無量義經 and Sutra of Meditating on Samantabhadra [...]:
View Full Entry 法華八講
[...] Meanings 無量義經 is regarded as the opening sūtra [...]:
View Full Entry 開經
[...] gyeong so 無量義經疏 3 fasc. (or 2 fasc.) (nonextant [...]:
View Full Entry 圓測
[...], 四十二章經注, 不思議法門經疏, 無量義經疏, 觀普賢行法經疏, 阿彌陀經疏, 首楞嚴經疏 [...]:
View Full Entry 智圓