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Headword matches for 無餘涅槃:
ALSO IN: 入無餘涅槃   無餘涅槃界   無餘涅槃界位  

Entry body matches for 無餘涅槃

[...] without remainder 無餘涅槃: (1) 中般 non-returners [...]:
View Full Entry 七種不還
[...] they are going to 無餘涅槃 final nirvana, but will [...]:
View Full Entry 三餘
[...] without remainder 無餘涅槃. (Skt. dvi-nirvāṇa; Tib [...]:
View Full Entry 二涅槃
[...] without remainder 無餘涅槃; without cause and effect [...]:
View Full Entry 二種涅槃
[...] without remainder 無餘涅槃, wherein the afflictive [...]:
View Full Entry 四種涅槃
[...] any residue 無餘涅槃; the latter, being the perfect [...]:
View Full Entry 大般涅槃
[...] without remainder 無餘涅槃. Also written 作辨地, 已作地 [...]:
View Full Entry 已辨地
[...] with nirvana with no residue 無餘涅槃 (nirupadhiśeṣa-nirvāṇa). [...] has been obtained, then there is 無餘涅槃 complete nirvana. Mahāyāna [...] writers say that in the Hīnayāna 無餘涅槃 remainderless nirvāṇa for [...]:
View Full Entry 有餘涅槃
[...]) without remainder 無餘涅槃, both cause and effect [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃
[...] without remainder 無餘涅槃. This section also includes [...]:
View Full Entry 涅槃宗要
[...] remainder See 無餘涅槃 (Skt. *niravaśeṣam). 梵網經古迹記 [...]:
View Full Entry 無有遺餘
[...] remaining; see 無餘涅槃. 起信論 T 1666.32.581a2 Unpardonable [...]:
View Full Entry 無餘
[...] remaining. See 無餘涅槃. 瑜伽論 [...]:
View Full Entry 無餘依
[...] remainder See 無餘涅槃 (Skt. nirupadhiśeṣa-nirvāṇa [...]:
View Full Entry 無餘依涅槃
[...] Variant form of 無餘涅槃. 道行般若經 [...]:
View Full Entry 無餘泥洹
[...] 224.8.438a10 Syn. 無餘涅槃, 無餘依般涅槃界, 無餘依大涅槃界 (Tib [...]:
View Full Entry 無餘泥洹界
[...] nirvana See 無餘涅槃. 瑜伽論 T [...]:
View Full Entry 無餘涅槃界
[...] remainder See 無餘涅槃. [...]:
View Full Entry 無餘湼槃
[...] by Kumārajīva as 無餘涅槃 T [...]:
View Full Entry 無餘界
[...] remainder. See 無餘涅槃. 二障義 [...]:
View Full Entry 究竟無爲
[...] without remainder 無餘涅槃 as distinguished from [...]:
View Full Entry 般涅槃
[...] of no remainder 無餘涅槃—the goal of the practice [...]:
View Full Entry 趣寂
[...] without remainder 無餘涅槃界位. The arguments surrounding [...]:
View Full Entry 無心位