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No headword matches for 王審知

You may wish to consult the following external source(s)

Chūgoku bukkyōshi jiten (Kamata) 32,121

Zen Dust (Sasaki) 288

Fo Guang Dictionary 1513

Entry body matches for 王審知

[...] of Wáng Shěnzhī 王審知 (862–925) and cìshǐ 刺史 [...]:
View Full Entry 淨修禪師
[...] of King Shenzhi 王審知 of Min 閩, he took up the [...]:
View Full Entry 玄沙師備
[...] Wang Shenzhi 王審知 of Min 閩 (862–925) and Xuefeng [...]:
View Full Entry 雪峰山